
老年患者脊柱术后谵妄的研究现状及进展 被引量:2

Research status and progress of postoperative delirium in elderly patients underwent spinal operation
摘要 谵妄是一种急性认知功能障碍,以意识水平发生改变、认知功能混乱或下降、注意力发生变化、定向障碍、记忆受损及睡眠-觉醒周期紊乱为主要临床特征。谵妄常见于老年手术病人,如不能做出及时、准确的诊断和处理,可能会增加患者的并发症、护理难度和负担及经济负担,严重情况还可影响疾病转归,甚至危及患者生命。随着社会的老龄化,老年患者脊柱手术量在世界范围内都呈明显增加趋势。本文主要就老年患者脊柱术后谵妄的定义、发生率、病因、危险因素、发生机制及防治方面的研究现状及进展进行综述,旨在为临床防治工作提供参考。 Delirium is an acute cognitive disorder characterized by altered levels of consciousness,confusion or decline in cognitive function,changes in attention,disorientation,impaired memory,sleep-wake cycle disturbances,and so on.Delirium is common at old age operation patient,if it could not be managed timely by accurate diagnosis and processing,this problem might not only increase the complication,difficulty and burden of nurse,and economic burden,but also affect the outcome of the disease or endanger the patient's life.With the aging of society,the number of spinal surgery for elderly patients around the world has increased significantly.In this paper,the definition,incidence,etiology,risk factors,mechanism,prevention and treatment of postoperative delirium in elderly patients were reviewed,aiming to provide reference for clinical prevention and treatment.
作者 欧颖 李广州 Ou Ying;LiGuangzhou(Department of psychiatry,affiliated hospital of Southwest Medical University,Luzhou,646000,China;Department of orthopedics,affiliated hospital of Southwest Medical University,Luzhou,646000,China)
出处 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2022年第20期1953-1957,共5页 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
关键词 老年 脊柱手术 谵妄 危险因素 研究进展 Old age Spinal surgery Delirium Risk factors Research progress
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