
SV波斜入射下预制拼装式综合管廊接口的地震响应规律 被引量:2

Effects of Oblique Incidence of SV Waves on Seismic Response of Prefabricated Utility Tunnel Joint
摘要 为研究浅源地震作用下地下综合管廊在SV波倾斜入射下的接口地震响应规律,首先基于波动理论,将斜入射地震动模拟为施加在黏弹性边界上的等效节点力,并引入非线性弹簧单元模拟管廊接口的力学行为,采用动力时程分析法计算管廊接口的地震响应;其次以典型综合管廊接口的张开量与转角的止水失效限值为依据,给出SV波不同入射角度下管廊接口张开量及转角的安全性评价.分析结果表明:SV波在管廊接口处产生的峰值张开量随着入射角度的增大而先减小后增大,当入射角度为30°时,管廊接口产生的水平张开量最大;在中震、大震作用下,当入射角度为20°~30°时,管廊接口转角超过相应的安全限值,管廊接口可能发生止水失效.综合考虑SV波不同入射角度下管廊接口的止水失效范围可为管廊接口防水及结构安全设计提供参考. Aiming at the problem of the seismic response of the joint of utility tunnel subjected to the inclined incidence of SV wave under the action of shallow earthquake,based on the theory of wave input,the incident earthquake motion was modeled as equivalent nodal forces applied to the viscous-spring artificial boundary,the nonlinear spring element was introduced to simulate the mechanical behavior of the utility tunnel interface,and the seismic response of the utility tunnel joint was calculated by the dynamic time history analysis method.Based on the water-proof failure limits of the joint deformation and rotation limits of the comprehensive utility tunnel on the double rubber sealing on sliding surface of utility tunnel joint,the safety evaluation of the joint deformation and rotation under different incidence angles of SV wave was given.The analysis results show that the response of deformation by SV wave at the junction of utility tunnel decreases first and then increases.When the incident angle is 30°,the horizontal deformation of the utility tunnel joint is the largest.When the incident angle is within the range of 20°-30°,the rotation of the utility tunnel joint exceeds the corresponding safety limits,and the water-proof failure of the utility tunnel joint occurs.Considering the water-proof failure of the utility tunnel joint under different incidence angles of SV wave,it can provide a technical reference for the functional integrity and safety design of the utility tunnels.
作者 许成顺 胡正一 史跃波 钟紫蓝 赵密 XU Chengshun;HU Zhengyi;SHI Yuebo;ZHONG Zilan;ZHAO Mi(Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering,Ministry of Education,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期1215-1225,共11页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51978020,U1839201)。
关键词 预制拼装式综合管廊 斜入射 接口 数值模拟 动力响应 接口刚度 prefabricated utility tunnel oblique incidence joint numerical simulation dynamic response joint spring stiffness
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