

The Early Exploration of the Chinese Communist Party's Request-for-Instruction and Report System(1921-1927)
摘要 基于马列主义民主集中制理论、俄共(布)的实践和共产国际的要求,中国共产党将请示报告制度引入党内,并进行了卓有成效的早期探索。在建党时期,党的请示报告制度以工作报告为主,主要在党的组织工作方面,兼及工人运动、政治工作等领域,强调地方向中央报告工作;国共合作开始后,工作报告发展成为综合性报告,在报告内容、形式、纪律等方面有了初步规范,既强调下级向上级报告工作,还要求上级向下级通报情况,特别是党的四大后通过的《组织问题决议案》中首次出现了“请中央的指示”,提出在重大问题上向中央请示的要求;北伐战争前后,请示报告制度取得重大进展,不仅对工作报告进行全面规范,而且在《第二十一号通告》中同时提出既要向中央报告工作,又要向中央“请示”的概念,标志着中国共产党请示报告制度初具雏形,共产国际提出的工作报告制度中国化了。 Based on the Marxist and Leninist theory of democratic centralism,in view of the practice of the Russian Communist Party or the United Communist Party(Bolshevik)and the requirements from the Communist International,the Communist Party of China introduced the request-for-instruction and report system into the Party and made fruitful early explorations.During the founding period of the Party,the Party's request-for-instruction and report system was mainly based on work reports,chiefly embodied in the organizational work of the Party as well as in the fields of workers'movement and political work,with emphasis on the local authorities'report to the central authorities.After the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China began,the work report developed into a comprehensive report,and the content,form,discipline and other aspects of the report were initially standardized.It not only emphasized that the lower level should report to the higher level,but also required the higher level to inform the lower level of the situation.In particular,in the Resolution on Organizational Issues adopted at the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the"request for instructions from the Central Committee"appeared for the first time,raising the requirement that request should be made for instructions from the Central Committee on major issues;Before and after the Northern Expedition War,great progress was made in the report system,which not only comprehensively standardized the work report,but also put forward the concept of"reporting to the Central Committee"as well as"requesting for instructions"from the Central Committee in Circular No.21,which marked the formation of the rudiment of the Chinese Communist Party's instruction request and report system,and the Sinicization of work report system proposed by the Communist International.
作者 梅美 苏玲锋 MEI Mei;SU Ling-feng(School of Marxism,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan,Hunan 411105,China)
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期164-169,共6页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 湖南省教育厅研究生创新项目“新时代党的政治建设研究”(CX20190452)阶段性成果。
关键词 请示报告制度 早期探索 初具雏形 request for instructions and report system early exploration formation of the rudiment
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