
不同类型社会排斥中归因诱导对攻击性的影响 被引量:1

The Effect of Attribution Inducements on Aggression in Different Types of Social Exclusion
摘要 为探讨归因诱导能否缓解不同类型社会排斥引发的攻击性,研究分别采用网络任务范式和网络投球范式启动拒绝和放逐,进行不同的归因诱导后用科研助理评分范式测量攻击性。结果发现,放逐引发的攻击性比拒绝高;归因诱导对拒绝引发的攻击性有显著影响,对被拒绝者进行内部归因诱导后其攻击性显著低于外部归因诱导组和无归因诱导组;归因诱导对放逐引发的攻击性无显著影响。研究表明归因诱导对拒绝型直接排斥引发的攻击性有缓解作用。 Social exclusion refers to the phenomenon or process that a person is excluded or rejected by a group or other people.It is a kind of negative interpersonal experience.Numerous studies have demonstrated that social exclusion can lead to aggressive behavior.Considering the negative effects of aggressive behavior,it is important to explore how to mitigate the aggression caused by social exclusion.Previous studies have found that attribution bias has a negative effect between social exclusion and aggressive behavior.People were more aggressive when they attributed social exclusion to other people’s intentional actions.However,attribution,as a cognitive factor,can be interfered and induced.Some studies have indicated that attribution inducement can affect individual’s emotions and behaviors,and promote the positive behavior change of individuals in subsequent tasks.However,the field of social exclusion has not paid attention to the positive effects of attribution.Therefore,this study explores whether positive attribution inducement can alleviate the aggression caused by social exclusion.In addition,there are many types of social exclusion,such as ostracism,rejection and neglect.Previous studies have shown that different types of social exclusion have different effects on individuals.So far,there are limited studies about the effect of different types of social exclusion on individual reaction.Past research has found that direct and indirect exclusion evoke different motivations,as well as threats to the different fundamental need of individuals.However,such studies have not explored whether different types of social exclusion cause different levels of aggression.It is still not clear whether the aggression caused by direct exclusion and indirect exclusion is different,and whether attribution inducement has the same effect on direct and indirect exclusion.In this study,rejection and ostracism were selected to represent direct exclusion and indirect exclusion,using a 2(exclusion situation:rejection/ostracism,accept
作者 曾碧琪 朱海燕 Zeng Biqi;Zhu Haiyan(Yunnan Normal University,Kunming,650500)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期960-965,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(18CSH042)的资助。
关键词 社会排斥 攻击性 归因诱导 拒绝 放逐 social exclusion aggression attribution inducement rejection ostracism
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