云猫(Pardofelis marmorata)在中国分布狭窄、种群稀少,目前尚缺少有关其调查与研究的报道。通过红外相机分析野生动物的空间分布以及日活动节律,有助于了解濒危物种的生态学特征,为保护管理提供科学依据。我们于2014年4月至2021年5月在云南高黎贡山国家级自然保护区腾冲辖区34个位点放置红外相机进行监测。基于监测数据分析了云猫的空间分布,并利用核密度估计方法(kernel-density estimation)对云猫与豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)的日活动节律进行了比较。通过31,462个相机日的监测,共获得230个云猫的独立探测事件。探测数据显示:云猫在研究区域内主要分布于海拔2,300‒3,100 m保存完好的常绿阔叶林中。记录到的云猫主要出现在白天,于6:00‒11:00和14:00‒19:00活动最为频繁。在云猫记录密集的北部地区,同域分布的豹猫表现出明显的夜行性,而在南部地区则倾向于晨昏活动,与云猫活动节律的重叠度较低。腾冲高黎贡山云猫的相对多度指数明显高于低纬度的热带地区,对该区域云猫进行更为深入的研究对于了解与保护此物种至关重要。
Background&Aim:The marbled cat(Pardofelis marmorata)has a highly restricted distribution range in China and is rarely recorded,and very little is known about this elusive wild felid.There has been no published work to analyze the spatial distribution and daily activity pattern of the species in China,which will enhance our understanding of this nationally endangered and protected species,and provide scientific information for conservation management.Methods:Gaoligongshan is located in the western part of Yunnan Province bordering Myanmar,extending from the Tibetan Plateau to Indochina.We conducted camera-trap survey at 34 camera-trap stations in the Tengchong Section of Yunnan Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve and its surroundings between April 2014 and May 2021.We analyzed the spatial distribution of marbled cat in Tengchong Gaoligongshan based on the data acquired.Daily activity patterns of marbled cat and the sympatric and similarly sized leopard cat(Prionailurus bengalensis)were also analyzed using kernel-density estimation.Results:During the study period,a total of 230 independent records of marbled cat were obtained in 31,462 camera trap nights,with an encounter rate many-folded higher compared with data from tropical regions.Our study yielded significantly higher encounter rate of marbled cat in the northern portion of Tengchong(i.e.north of 25°30’N),and the species mainly occurred at well preserved evergreen broad-leave forest at 2,300-3,100 m.Daily activity pattern analysis reveals that marbled cat was mainly diurnal and has bimodal activity peaks at 6:00-11:00 and 14:00-19:00,respectively.The sympatric leopard cat was predominantly nocturnal in the northern portion of Tengchong while it tended to be more crepuscular in the southern portion where marbled cat was rare.Recommendations:The existence of a stable population of marbled cat in Tengchong Gaoligongshan provides a golden opportunity to enhance our understanding on different aspects of this elusive species,for the benefit of its conservation
Fei Li;Xiangyuan Huang;Xingchao Zhang;Tsz Kin Au;Bosco Pui Lok Chan(Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden,Hong Kong,china 999077;Yunnan Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve(Tengchong Bureau),Tengchong,Yunnan 679100)
Biodiversity Science