Nanoparticles succeeded to enhance the dielectric properties of industrial insulation but the presence of voids inside the power cable insulation still leads to formation high electrical stress inside power cable insulation material and collapse.In this paper,the dielectric strength of new design nanocomposites has been deduced as experimental work done to clarify the benefit of filling nanoparticles with different patterns inside dielectrics.Also,it has been studied the effect of electrical stress distribution in presence of air,water and copper impurities with different shapes(cylinder,sphere and ellipse)inside insulation of single core.In simulation model,it has been used finite element method(FEM)for estimating the electrostatic field distribution in power cable insulation.It has been applied new strategies of nanotechnology techniques for designing innovative polyvinyl chloride insula-tion materials by using nanocomposites and multi-nanocomposites.Finally,this research succeeded to remedy different partial discharges(PD)patterns according to using certain types and concentrations of nanoparticles.
The present work was supported by the Nanotechnology Research Center at Aswan University that is established by aiding the Science and Technology Development Fund(STDF),Egypt,Grant No:Project ID 505,2009-2011.