Ceramics of quasi-binary concentration section(x=0.50,0.1≤y≤0.2,Δy=0.025)of the ternary solid solution system(1−x−y)BiFeO_(3)-xPbFe_(0.5)Nb_(0.5)O_(3)-yPbTiO_(3)were prepared by the conventional solid-phase reaction method.By using X-ray diffraction technique,the phase diagram of the system was constructed,which was shown to contain the regions of cubic and tetragonal symmetry and the morphotropic phase boundary between them.Grain morphology,dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the selected solid solutions were investigated.The highest piezoelectric coefficient d_(33)=260 pC/N was obtained.Dielectric characteristics of ceramics revealed ferroelectric relaxor behavior,a region of diffuse phase transition from the paraelectric to ferroelectric phase in the temperature range of 350-500 K.
The study was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation(State task in the field of scientific activity,scientific project No.0852-2020-0032)(BAZ0110/20-3-07IF)
Work was performed using the equipment of the Center for Collective Use“Electromagnetic,Electromechanical and Thermal Properties of Solids”,Research Institute of Physics,Southern Federal University and Center for Collective Use of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science(Rostov-on-Don,Russia).