

Degradation of VOCs by Vacuum Ultraviolet Excimer Cold Oxidtion
摘要 受激二聚体冷燃烧技术(Excimer Cold Oxidtion,简称ECO)是一种新型的低温氧化技术。本文将把受激二聚体冷燃烧技术应用于有机废气的降解中,选用环己烷作为目标降解物,设计了降解实验装置,考察了环己烷的初始浓度、氧气含量和相对湿度对降解效果的影响。结果显示,当氧气含量为19.1%,相对湿度为10.5%时,环己烷的降解效率最佳,可以达到99.11%,该技术无需添加辅助燃料加热废气,节省能源,占地面积小,运行成本低,并且其不会生成氮氧化物和二噁英等二次污染物,也不存在催化剂中毒失效问题。 Excited cold oxidation(ECO) is a new low-temperature oxidation technology.In this paper,the excited cold oxidation technology is applied to degrade the organic waste gas. Cyclohexane is selected as the target degradation product, and the degradation experimental device is designed to investigate the effects of initial concentration,oxygen content and relative humidity of cyclohexane on the degradation effect.The results show that when the oxygen content is 19.1% and the relative humidity is 10.5%,the degradation efficiency of cyclohexane is the best,which can reach 99.11%. This technology does not need to add auxiliary fuel to heat the waste gas,saving energy,occupyiy a small area,low operation cost,and does not produce secondary pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and dioxins,and does not have the problem of catalyst poisoning and failure.
作者 赵开楼 王珊珊 宁晓冬 袁崇喆 Zhao Kailou;Wang Shanshan;Ning Xiaodong;Yuan Chongzhe(Henan Technical Institute,Zhengzhou450042,China)
出处 《山东化工》 CAS 2022年第19期57-59,62,共4页 Shandong Chemical Industry
基金 河南省科技厅科技攻关项目:高能准分子光源降解VOCs有机废气关键技术开发(项目编号:212102310535)。
关键词 真空紫外光 受激二聚体冷燃烧技术 降解 挥发性有机物 vacuum ultraviolet light excited cold oxidation degradation volatile organic compounds
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