

Re-evaluation on contributions and limitations of the “medieval economic revolution” theory of Mark Elvin
摘要 伊懋可在《中国历史的模式》(The Pattern of the Chinese Past,以下简称《模式》)中提出的“中古经济革命”论在唐宋社会经济史领域产生了深远的影响。围绕着“经济革命”产生了广泛的学术讨论,由此也形成了对该论截然相反的看法。赞成者认为,它开拓了学者的视野,带动了研究问题的意识;批评者认为,它在史实上没有贡献,且有明显的将中国历史纳入欧洲发展轨迹的企图等缺陷。因此,十分有必要对该论的价值和局限进行客观全面的再评价。学者们基于不同的视角提出的中国古代经济“革命”论说,几乎都聚焦到了“宋代”。还有很多学者没有使用或者不认可“革命”的说法,但认为宋代经济有非常明显的发展和长足的进步。可见认为晚唐宋元时期(即伊懋可所定义的“中古”)发生的“经济革命”,并非惊人之论,也不是伊懋可首创。《模式》是一部理论著作,主要着眼点在于理论构建。“中古经济革命”论没有提供新的史实,具体结论也面临质疑;但它将主要经济领域发生的“革命性”变化清晰地勾连起来,以技术和经济的关系为底层逻辑,试图发掘这些“革命”的动力所在,并呈现“中古”经济的结构性面貌,是对晚唐宋元初期经济史的综合研究,应当肯定。“中古经济革命论”回答了《模式》中的框架性问题,与“高水平平衡陷阱”论共同构成了伊懋可自我构建的完整理论体系。该论的一些局限为新的研究提供了契机;但也有一些不足是天生缺陷,作为中国学者必须提高警惕。对待“中古经济革命”论,不能盲从其具体结论,而应“去其甚者(欧洲中心论)”,吸收其方法上的合理内核。 The “medieval economic revolution” theory which Mark Elvin put forward in The Pattern of the Chinese Past(hereinafter referred to as “The Pattern”) deeply influenced the research on the social and economic history of the Tang and Song dynasties. The “economic revolution” has generated a wide range of academic discussions. However, there are totally different ideas on it. Proponents argue that it has opened up the horizons of scholars and driven awareness of research issues. Opponents claim that it has no contribution in terms of historical facts and has obvious flaws such as an attempt to integrate Chinese history into the trajectory of European development. So it’s very necessary to re-evaluate the contributions and limitations of this theory. Almost all of the theories of economic “revolution” in ancient China put forward by scholars based on different perspectives focus on the Song dynasty. Many other scholars who do not use or endorse the term “revolution” also believe that there was a very obvious development and significant progress in economy of the Song. It is not an astonishing point of view that there was economic revolution during late Tang, Song and Early Yuan, especially the Song Period(referred to as Medieval by Elvin). It is not Mark Elvin that first put forward this idea. The Pattern is a theoretical work whose focus is on theory construction. The “medieval economic revolution” theory does not provide new historical facts and its specific conclusions also face challenges. However, it is a comprehensive study of the economic history of the late Tang, Song and early Yuan dynasties because it attempts to demonstrate the structure of the medieval economy based on the underlying logic of the relationship between the techniques and economy. As far as this is concerned, it should be acknowledged. The “medieval economic revolution” theory answers the framework questions of The Pattern and together with the “high level equilibrium trap” theory, makes up a complete theoreti
作者 张天虹 ZHANG Tianhong(School of History,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100089,P.R.China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期138-150,共13页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“明清华北乡村经济研究及清华馆藏民间文书数据库建设”(18AZS002)。
关键词 伊懋可 经济革命 唐宋元 Mark Elvin economic revolution the Tang Song and Yuan dynasties
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