
氮肥运筹对‘红大’烤烟根系形态与烟叶品质的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Nitrogen Application on Root Morphology and Leaf Quality of‘Hongda’Flue-cured Tobacco
摘要 为筛选‘红大’烤烟在保山烟区合理的施氮量,采用田间试验方法研究不同施氮量对烤烟根系生长发育、农艺性状、经济性状和烟叶品质的影响。结果表明,现蕾期施氮75、90 kg/hm^(2)处理的最大叶宽和最大叶长显著高于其他处理,分别比施氮45 kg/hm^(2)处理增加了21.92%和18.83%。现蕾期和封顶后,施氮75、90 kg/hm^(2)处理的根总长、根平均直径、根总体积、根尖计数和根系分叉计数均显著高于施氮45、60 kg/hm^(2)处理。根总长在旺长期到现蕾期增长率最高,而根直径、根总面积和总体积从团棵到旺长期增长率最高。烤后上部烟叶的总氮和烟碱含量偏高,且随施氮量增加烟叶感官质量下降。整体上施氮75 kg/hm^(2)处理的外观质量和化学成分协调性综合评价较好,施氮45 kg/hm^(2)处理的物理特性和感官质量综合评价较优。综合考虑烤烟生长及烟叶品质,推荐保山烟区‘红大’适宜施氮量为75 kg/hm^(2)。 To select a reasonable nitrogen application rate for‘Hongda’flue-cured tobacco in Baoshan tobacco-growing area,field experiments were conducted to study the effects of different nitrogen application rates on the growth and development of roots,agronomic traits,economic traits and leaf quality of flue-cured tobacco.The results showed that the maximum leaf width and maximum leaf length of 75 kg/hm^(2) and 90 kg/hm^(2) N treatments were significantly higher than those of other treatments,which increased by 21.92%and 18.83%,respectively,compared with those of 45 kg/hm^(2) N treatment.The total root length,mean root diameter,total root volume,root apical count and root bifurcation count under N treatment of 75 kg/hm^(2) and 90 kg/hm^(2) were significantly higher than those under N treatment of 45 kg/hm^(2) and 60 kg/hm^(2) at budding stage and after topping.The growth rate of root length was the highest from the growing stage to the budding stage,while the growth rate of root diameter,surface area and total volume were the highest from the resettling growth stage to the vigorous growth stage.The content of total nitrogen and nicotine in the upper tobacco leaves were higher after curing,and the sensory quality of tobacco leaves decreased with the increase of nitrogen application amount.Overall,the comprehensive evaluation of appearance quality and chemical composition coordination of tobacco under nitrogen application rate of 75 kg/hm^(2) were relatively good,and the comprehensive evaluation of physical properties and sensory quality of tobacco under nitrogen application rate of 45 kg/hm^(2) were relatively excellent.Considering the growth of flue-cured tobacco and the quality of tobacco leaves,75 kg/hm^(2) nitrogen application rate is recommended for‘Hongda’in Baoshan tobacco area.
作者 王政 刘久羽 阚宏伟 黄劭理 李智 董树超 刘杨旭 李晓婷 杨晓斌 李先才 WANG Zheng;LIU Jiuyu;KAN Hongwei;HUANG Shaoli;LI Zhi;DONG Shuchao;LIU Yangxu;LI Xiaoting;YANG Xiaobin;LI Xiancai(China Tobacco Guangxi Industrial Co.,Ltd.,Nanning 530001;Yunnan Tobacco Company Baoshan Branch,Baoshan,Yunnan 678000;Yunnan Woojia Biotechnology Company Limited,Kunming 650106)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2022年第25期1-7,共7页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 广西中烟工业有限责任公司项目“真龙品牌保山基地烟叶定向营养调控技术研究与应用”(GXZYCX2019B005)。
关键词 保山 ‘红大’ 氮素水平 根系形态 烟叶品质 Baoshan ‘Hongda’ nitrogen level root morphology tobacco leaf quality
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