
毛乌素沙地东缘中全新世以来环境变化及其对文明演化的影响初探 被引量:2

A preliminary study of environmental changes since middle Holocene and its impacts on the evolution of civilization in the eastern Mu Us Sandy Land
摘要 毛乌素沙地全新世风成沉积为探讨气候变化与文明演化之间的关系提供了可能。本文通过对毛乌素沙地东缘全新世中晚期寨山剖面沉积物的磁学参数、色度、CaCO含量和粒度进行分析,重建了该区域环境变化历史,并初步探讨了环境变化对文明演化的影响。结果表明:该区域6 800-1 500 cal a BP分别经历了一次气候暖湿期(6 800-5 500 cal a BP)、一次气候相对暖干期(5 500-4 000 cal a BP)和一次气候相对暖湿期(4 000-1 500 cal a BP)。毛乌素沙地东缘仰韶文化(6 800-5 500 cal a BP)的大扩张与气候暖湿期具有一致性,遗址数量增加;仰韶晚期和龙山时期(5 500-4 000 cal a BP)气候变化频繁,文化复杂多样,期间经历了仰韶文明的衰落和龙山文化的扩张,遗址数量逐渐增加;青铜铁器时代和秦汉时期(4 000-1 500 cal a BP)各民族文化融合发展,人口活动频繁,经济文化都得到较好的发展,遗址不断增加,且数量较大。研究结果指示文明兴衰受环境演化影响,两者在时间上有较好的一致性,但短时期内文明演化对气候变化的响应有滞后性。 Holocene aeolian deposits in the Mu Us Sandy Land provide a chance for exploring the relationship between climate change and civilization evolution. Based on the analysis of the magnetic parameters,chromaticity,CaCO3content and grain size of the ZS section during the middle to late Holocene in the eastern Mu Us Sandy Land,we reconstructed the history of environmental changes in the region and preliminarily discussed the impacts of climate change on the civilization evolution. The results show that the region has experienced a warm and humid period(6 800-5 500 cal a BP),a warm and dry period(5 500-4 000 cal a BP)and a relatively warm and humid period(4 000-1 500 cal a BP). The large expansion of Yangshao culture(6 800-5 500 cal a BP)in the eastern Mu Us Sandy Land is consistent with the warm and humid climate,and there are a large number of sites;in the late Yangshao and Longshan periods(5 500-4 000 cal a BP),the climate changed frequently and the culture was complex and diverse,during this period,the decline of Yangshao civilization and the expansion of Longshan culture were experienced,but the number of sites increased continuously as a whole;the Bronze and Iron age and the Qin and Han Dynasties(4 000-1 543 cal a BP),the cultures of various nationalities developed together,population activities are frequent,and economic and transportation have developed well. The results show that the rise and fall of civilization is affected by environmental evolution. The rise and fall of civilization is consistent with environmental change in time,but the response of civilization evolution to climate change lags in a short period of time.
作者 柳欣滢 金明 杨帆 马亚鹏 刘慧 孙小云 夏敦胜 Liu Xinying;Jin Ming;Yang Fan;Ma Yapeng;Liu Hui;Sun Xiaoyun;Xia Dunsheng(College of Earth and Environmental Sciences/Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期92-100,共9页 Journal of Desert Research
基金 科技部科技基础性工作专项项目(2017FY101003)。
关键词 全新世中晚期 气候变化 文明兴衰 毛乌素沙地 middle late Holocene climate change rise and fall of civilization Mu Us Sandy Land
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