1.粽管巢蛛是湖北省分布较广,种群数量较大的一种蜘蛛,能捕食农作物上的多种害虫,有一定的利用前途。 2.粽管巢蛛在湖北省一年发生2—3个世代,成蛛和若蛛均可越冬。有一次交尾,多次产卵的习性。未经交尾的雌蛛虽能产卵但不能孵化,雌蛛有护卵习性。一生卵量在300粒左右。抗寒和耐饥能力较强。 3.在常用农药中,以保棉丰,毒杀芬,4049,亚胺硫磷对粽管巢蛛杀伤力最强;石硫合剂,杀虫脒较为安全。
The present paper has reported the observations on the life history and habits of Misumenopo tricuspidatus in Hubei Province in detail. Misumenops tricuspidafus is an important enemy of cotton pests such as cotton aphis, cotton boll worms and small catton tooper.Four population peaks of this spider occur in the cotton fields in Hubie Province each year and the largest of these four peaks is the one appeared in September. This shows its connection with the growing conditions of cotton. About insecticides,baumenfon is the most serious one in killing spiders and chlodimeform and carbaryl arc not so powerful.
Zhao Jing-Zhao;Liu Feng-xiang;Chen Wen-hua(Laboratory of Pest Natural-Enemies,Department of Biology,Wuhan Teacher’s College)