本文报道采自西藏的有瓣蝇类7个新种,均属花蝇科。正模标本保存在中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。银额泉种蝇Pegohylemyia argyrometopa,新种(图1—3)雄:体长6毫米。复眼裸,额宽约为前单眼宽的2倍,间额黑,间额鬃1,下眶鬃7—8,侧额及侧颜黑色上具银白色粉被,侧颜宽为触角第三节宽的4/3倍,触角黑,第三节长为宽的2倍,芒具毳毛,最长毛与芒基宽相等,颊高为眼高的1/5,银白色粉被明显,上倾口缘鬃3行,下颚须黑,中喙具粉被,长为高的4倍,口上片与额齐,后头背区有小毛。
In present paper,7 new species of anthomyiid flics from Xizang Autonomous District are reported.All of the holotypes here described are kept in the Shanghai Institute of Entomology,Academia Sinica.1.Pegohylemyia argyrometopa,sp.nov.(Figs.23-25)Similar to Pegohylemyia anthracimetopa Zhong,but differing from the latter in the parafacialia remarkably silvery white,lateral lobes of 5th sternite short and not narrowed apically,cereal plate being wider than its length and with an apical process,surstylus with anterior end blunt in profile and with subbasal inner twig finger-like,with pregonite rather flattened.Holotype,Yadong,Xizang.2.Pegohylemyia gentianaella,sp.nov.(Figs.26-28):Body length 5 mm.It is differs from its related species P.gentianae(Pandelle)in male terminalia:lateral lobe of 5th sternite gradually narrowed caudad,blunt apically.apical part of cereal plate pointed with a seam-like median fissure and a very fine forked median process hiddened anterior to the fissure;surstylus rounded apically and with an inner posterior twig preapi-cally;pregonite highly hillock-like.Holotype,Lasa,Xizang.3.Pegohylemyia longifurcula,sp.nov.(Figs.29-31):Body length 4 mm.Somewhat resembling P.tuxeni Ringdahl,the new species possesses a black frons,the dark stripe on abdominal tergite broadened anteriorly and narrowed posterioly;surstylus in profile both fore and hind margin largely parallel;a forked median process of cereal plate conspicuously longer than the lateral processes of the same.:Body length 3 mm.Frons is one third width of head.Both superior and inferior orbitals are 3 pairs.Posteroventral bristle of t3 absent.Dark markings on abdominal tergites less obvious,that in male,but faintly visible.Holotype,allotype,paratypes 6 and 5,Lasa,Xizang.4.Pegohylemyia pilosibucca,sp.nov.(Figs.32-34):Body length 7.5 mm.Rather resembling P.alatavensis Hennig,however the new species has following differences in male terminalia:5th sternite with outer marginal bristles on lateral lobe not so dense;cereal plate in both caudal view and
Zhong Yinhong(Team of Epidemic Prevention,Legistics Department of Xizang Military Region,PLA Lasa)
Calypterate flies Anthomyiid flies New species Xizang