家燕Hirundo rustica Linnaeus是人类居住区一种常见的夏候鸟。主要营巢在人类居住的各种建筑物上,以各种昆虫为食,和人类关系极为密切。因此对其生态学的研究是有一定意义的。目前国外在这方面的研究较多,而国内除王先敏(1959)、周昌乔、李翔云(1959)有过报道外,其他很少见有报导。现就观察所得作一简报。
This paper presents our ecological studies of the House Swallow (Hirundo rustica Linnaeue) in Changbai Shan Area, Jilin Province. Results obtained may be summarized below. House swallow usually arrive Changbai Shan at the beginning of May to the middle of May, and remain there until the end of September to the beginning of October. The majority of nests were located in the wood house. The breeding season lasts from May until July. 37.5% of individuals bred second broods. Most clutches were of four eggs, the mean clutch size 4.2 eggs. 13% of eggs were infertile and 83% of eggs hatched. The incubation period consists of 14 days. After hatching, the young are fed by the parents for about 23 days before leaving the nest. 100% of nests hatched at least one young and mean 3.1 young were fledged in every nest. The overall success rate, measured as the proportion of eggs was 75%, productivity was 3.1. This figure was extremely optimistic.
Zhao Zhenjie(Natural Reserve,Changboi Shan,Jilin Province)