

Seismic Fragility Analysis of Continuous Beam Bridge Based onMultivariate Copula Function
摘要 为了解决传统桥梁易损性分析只选取单一典型构件代表整体易损性而导致精度偏低问题,提出以连续梁桥为代表的桥梁可以视为由桥墩、桥台支座、桥墩支座等多个构件组成的三元串联体系,并采用墩端曲率或基于弹塑性耗能差率的损伤指数和支座位移来量化相应构件的损伤程度,进而进行构件易损性分析.引入多元Copula函数,在求出主要构件易损性的基础上,考虑各构件之间的相关性,构建相应的联合概率密度函数,从而建立求解三元构件系统地震易损性的方法.算例分析表明基于多元Copula函数的桥梁系统易损性能够更真实地表征桥梁整体的损伤特征和易损性,且能代替大量抽样分析,明显提高计算精度和效率. To solve the problem of low accuracy caused by only a single typical component,which is selected to represent the overall fragility in the traditional analysis,the bridge represented by continuous beam bridge was regarded as a ternary system composed of pier,abutment bearing and pier bearing.The damage degree of corresponding components was quantified by pier end curvature or damage index based on elastic-plastic energy dissipation rate difference and bearing displacement,and then the fragility analysis of components was carried out.Multivariate Copula function was introduced.On the basis of calculating the fragility curve of the main components,considering the correlation between the components,the corresponding joint probability density function was constructed,and the method to solving the seismic fragility of the ternary component system was established.The example analysis shows that the bridge system fragility based on multivariate Copula function can more truly represent the damage characteristics and fragility of the whole bridge and it can replace a large number of sampling analysis,which significantly improves the calculation accuracy and efficiency.
作者 何浩祥 程扬 黄磊 陈旺 陈彦江 HE Haoxiang;CHENG Yang;HUANG Lei;CHEN Wang;CHEN Yanjiang(Beijing Key Lab of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Retrofit,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期1018-1027,共10页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2017YFC1500603) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51878017)。
关键词 地震易损性 COPULA函数 联合概率密度函数 损伤指数 多元系统 桥梁损伤评估 seismic fragility Copula function joint probability density function damage index multivariable system damage evaluation of bridge
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