
从盘龙城遗址兴废看夏商时期中原文化在江汉平原及周边地区的进退 被引量:1

A Study of the Advance and Retreat of Central Plain Culture in the Jianghan Plain and Neighboring Area During Xia-Shang Period from the Perspective of the Prosperity and Abandonment of Panlongcheng Site
摘要 盘龙城遗址从普通据点发展成区域性中心城市到最后废弃的发展历程折射出夏商时期中原文化在江汉平原及周边地区的进退过程。盘龙城随二里头文化的进入而兴起,并凭借地理位置的优势以及二里头文化和下七垣文化在此交汇的文化背景而开始在江汉地区确立起较为特殊的地位,进而为之后的崛起奠定基础。二里冈文化的进入使盘龙城发展成为江汉平原及周边地区等级最高的中心城市,并以此为据点形成了在该区域强势扩张的局面。其中,在江汉平原东部、赣鄱地区和洞庭湖东部地区,中原文化的进入表现为文化势力的主导地位和多层级聚落体系的设置,而在江汉平原西部及洞庭湖西部地区,中原文化的进入则表现为直接或间接的文化接触。商时期中原文化对江汉平原及周边地区的经营重心显示出区域的差异性,这从侧面反映出资源获取是其向南扩张的重要动机。至中商偏晚阶段,盘龙城遗址遭到废弃,中原文化向北撤出,江汉平原及周边地区地方青铜文化随后兴起并发展,但两地间的文化联系并未断绝。 The development and abandonment of Panlongcheng, which evolved from an ordinary settlement into a regional center, is the reflection of the advance and retreat of central plain cultures in the Jianghan Plain and its neighboring region in the Xia-Shang period. Following the expansion of Erlitou culture, Panlongcheng settlement flourished and gained a special position in the Jianghan Plain because of its geographical advantage as the meeting point of Erlitou culture and Xiaqiyuan culture, which also set the foundation for its upcoming rise in the Shang Dynasty. As the result of the expansion of Erligang culture, Panlongcheng settlement developed into the top central city in the Jianghan Plain and its neighboring region, which further promoted the aggressive expansion of Erligang culture as a stronghold in this area. In eastern Jianghan Plain, GanjiangPoyanghu region and eastern Dongting plain, the expansion of central plain culture is manifested in its dominant position and the establishment of multi-tiered settlement structures. However, in the western Jianghan and Dongting plains, the expansion of central plain culture manifests itself as direct or indirect contact with the local culture. Such regional differentiation of the central plain culture’s management in this area during the Shang period reflects the major motive of its southward expansion is to obtain resources. In the late phase of mid-Shang period, the city was abandoned following the retreat of central plain culture from this area, since when local bronze cultures had sprung up, while the connection between the central plain and this area had never been cut off.
作者 盛伟 Sheng Wei
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2022年第4期49-57,共9页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
基金 2020年度国家社会科学基金青年项目“炭河里遗址考古资料的整理与研究”(批准号:20CKG013)。
关键词 盘龙城遗址 夏商时期 中原文化 江汉平原 Panlongcheng site Xia-Shang period Central plain culture Jianghan Plain
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