工业物联网爆发式地增长要求拥有嵌入式软件的工业产品能够满足快速的迭代发布。但由于受到软硬件结合等因素的限制,现在工业领域对其产品的嵌入式软件迭代时普遍速度慢。介绍了一种基于Azure DevOps的面向嵌入式产品固件的持续集成、自动构建、自动部署及测试的环境搭建。最后展望了未来通过该环境和数字孪生技术的结合,可以让新的嵌入式软件在部署至真实生产环境前在孪生体内得到并行的验证。
The explosive growth of IIoT(Industrial Internet of Things) requires embedded industrial products to meet the rapid iterative release.Due to the complexity of the combination of software and hardware and other factors,the firmware iteration of its products is generally slow in the industrial industry.Therefore,this paper introduces a continuous integration of embedded product firmware based on Azure DevOps and the construction of automatic test environment.In the future,this environment combined with digital twin,new firmware can be verified in parallel before deployment in the actual production environment.
Industrial Control Computer