
石墨烯作为添加剂在两种成品润滑油中的应用可行性研究 被引量:6

Application Feasibility of Graphene as Additive in Two Kinds of Lubricating Oil
摘要 为探索石墨烯对成品润滑油中原有添加剂体系的影响,判断其作为添加剂的应用可行性,本文中采用多层石墨烯与两种成品润滑油制备了石墨烯分散液.利用MS-10A型四球摩擦试验机与TE77长行程高频往复摩擦试验机测试了不同接触方式下石墨烯分散液的摩擦学性能;采用紫外分光光度计、旋转氧弹试验仪、高压差示扫描量热仪和成焦板试验仪等仪器对体系的分散稳定性与理化性能进行评价.试验结果显示:石墨烯在润滑油中无法保持长时间的分散稳定性,且对成品润滑油的各项应用指标无明显的提高作用,某些条件下甚至降低了油品的原有性能.分析表明:石墨烯的加入干扰了原有体系的平衡性和稳定性,无法与成品润滑油的添加剂体系发挥良好的协同作用,同时,石墨烯的规模化制备成本远高于常用润滑添加剂,因此结合上述研究结果可知,石墨烯材料目前尚不具备作为成品润滑油添加剂的可行性,其存在的诸多问题还需进行深入研究. A large number of studies have proved the good lubricating performance of graphene in base oil,but there are few studies on its performance in lubricating oil.Whether graphene can enter the additive system of lubricating oil and achieve good synergy with each component is the key problem to give full play to its various excellent characteristics and improve the comprehensive performance of the system.To explore the influence of graphene on the original additive system of lubricating oil and judge its feasibility as an additive,graphene dispersions were prepared by using multilayer graphene and multiple lubricating oil.The tribological properties of graphene dispersions under different ways of contacting were tested using MS-10A four-ball friction tester and TE77 long-stroke high-frequency reciprocating friction tester.The oxidation stability of lubricating oil was measured by Robot Bath 15200-5 rotary oxygen bomb tester of SETA company and HP DSC1 high pressure differential scanning calorimeter of METTLER TOLEDO company,and the sample was evaluated by standard method SH/T0193-2008.The high temperature cleaning effect of lubricating oil was tested by C-9 coking tendency tester of Shanghai METIS INSTRUMENT company,and the coking plate test of lubricating oil and graphene dispersions was carried out according to the standard method SH/T0300.The corrosion resistance of graphene dispersions was qualitatively determined by copper strip corrosion method GB/T5096.The dispersion testing results showed that the graphene failed to maintain long-term stability of dispersion in lubricating oil,while it kept agglomerated throughout the experiment.Therefore,it can be inferred that in practical application,graphene dispersions can not be stored and used for a long time,and the serious aggregation and sedimentation problems would make inevitable negative effects on its performance.The physicochemical properties showed that,graphene did not significantly improve the anti-oxidation,clean dispersion and corrosion resistance of the l
作者 王佳贝 孔尚 胡文敬 李久盛 WANG Jiabei;KONG Shang;HU Wenjing;LI Jiusheng(Laboratory for Advanced Lubricating Materials,Shanghai Advanced Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201210,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《摩擦学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期775-784,共10页 Tribology
基金 中国科学院青年创新促进会(2019288) 上海浦东新区科技发展基金(PKJ2019-C01) 中科院A类先导课题(XDA21021202)资助。
关键词 成品润滑油 石墨烯 摩擦学性能 理化性能 应用可行性 lubricating oil graphene tribological properties physicochemical properties application feasibility
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