Marx raised his long-cherished philosophical wish for writing on the dialectic in his letter to Engels on January 14th,1858.Academic scholarship has investigated the background of this wish from the Capitalto the Capital and Grundrisse altogether and then to Grundrisse principally.However,the study of its relationship with theBooks of Crisis(Crisisfor short below)is inadequate.This paper argues that Crisisis a medium for that wish for the following reasons:the material format of newspaper clippings of Crisisaccords with the“material processing method”in the letter;the formation of the contents of Crisiscoincides with the time of this letter;the dialectic method in Crisisis consistent with Grundrisseand the Capitaland is an application of that method from abstract to concrete;the structure of Crisisagrees with Hegel’s Science of Logicand supplements the studies of the critique of political economy from Lenin onwards.All of these would contribute to a complete understanding of the generation history of the Logic of Marx’s Capital.
Philosophical Research
国家社会科学基金一般项目“马克思《危机笔记》(MEGA IV/14)与《大纲》比较研究”(编号15BZX011)的阶段性成果。