
清至民国“南明”史概念发生与传播探论 被引量:1

On the Occurrence and Dissemination of Concept of“Nanming”(南明) History from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China
摘要 指代南明断代史的“南明”概念,在康熙时最先出现,道咸间被钱绮用作书名,但却一直都是清廷的政治禁忌。以“小中华”自居的朝鲜学者对此不满,在乾隆时即用“南明”作为书名。清末,中朝两国同时兴起反清运动,朝鲜人郑乔将其南明史著寄赠章太炎,增强了清末革命党人的“南明”意识和抗清斗志,使“南明”史概念得以传播开来。民国初建至抗战之前,虽然“南明”概念因禁忌消失而得以松绑,但也因为其反清因素的消退而遭到忽视。抗战爆发后,南明史的象征意义再次凸显,促使柳亚子、朱希祖、钱海岳等南明史家和流落西南的广大知识分子对“南明”史加以重视,“南明”语境骤然形成,“南明”史概念风行一时。抗战后,“南明”史概念的传播虽因政治意义消失而退潮,但已成为不可磨灭的史学现象,在课堂讲授和课题研究中,历久弥新。 The concept of“Nanming”(南明),which refers to the period of the Southern Ming Dynasty,first appeared during the reign of emperor Kangxi(康熙).It was used as the title of the book by Qian Qi(钱绮)during the reign of emperor Daoguang(道光)and Xianfeng(咸丰).However,Nanming has always been a political taboo of the Qing Dynasty.The Korean scholars who regarded Korea as“little China”were dissatisfied with this and used“Nanming”as the title of a book during Qianlong(乾隆)period.At the end of the Qing Dynasty,China and Korea simultaneously launched the anti-Manchu movement.Zheng Qiao(郑乔),a Korean,presented Zhang Taiyan(章太炎)with a book written by him titled Outline of History of the Southern Ming Dynasty,which strengthened the revolutionary party’s consciousness of“Nanming”and the fighting spirit in the late Qing Dynasty,so that the concept of“Nanming”history could be spread.From the beginning of the Republic of China to the Anti-Japanese War,although the concept of“Nanming”was loosened due to the disappearance of taboos,it was also ignored due to the disappearance of rebelling Qing factor.With the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan,the symbolic significance of the history of the Southern Ming Dynasty was highlighted again,prompting Liu Yazi(柳亚子),Zhu Xizu(朱希祖),Qian Haiyue(钱海岳)and other historians of the Southern Ming Dynasty and the vast number of intellectuals living in the southwest to attach importance to the history of the“Southern Ming Dynasty”.The context of the“Nanming”suddenly took shape,and the concept was popular for a time.After the war of resistance against Japan,although the dissemination of the concept of“Nanming”history ebbed due to the disappearance of its political significance,it has become an indelible historical phenomenon,which has been constantly renewed in classroom teaching and research project.
作者 谢贵安 XIE Gui-an(School of History and Research Center of Chinese Traditional Culture,Wuhan University,Wuhan,Hubei,430072,China)
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期71-85,共15页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“明清史学与近代学术转型研究”(16JJD770037)资助。
关键词 南明 南明史 清朝 民国 Nanming(南明) history of the Southern Ming Dynasty Qing Dynasty Republic of China
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