1.国际标准化组织(ISO)ISO是国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)的简称,成立于1947年,总部设于瑞士日内瓦,是世界上最大的国际标准化机构。它是非政府组织,不属于联合国但与联合国的许多机构关系密切,是联合国的甲级咨询机构。ISO的宗旨是在全世界范围内促进标准化的发展,以便利国际物资交流与服务,并扩大知识、科学、技术和经济方面的合作。其工作范围涉及除电工电子以外的所有领域。
1.International Organization for Standardization(ISO)International Organization for Standardization,abbreviated as ISO,established in 1947 and headquartered in Geneva,Switzerland,is the world’s largest international institution for standardization.As a non-governmental or-ganization,it is not affiliated to the United Nations,but closely related with its many institutions.It is a class-A consulting institution of the UN.It aims to promote the development of standardization around the globe in order to facilitate international interflow of commodities and services and expand global cooperation in aspects of knowledge,science,technology and economy.Its working range covers all fields except for electrics and electronics.
Railway Technical Standard(Chinese & English)