
注射用灯盏花素治疗6795例脑梗死患者真实世界特征分析 被引量:2

Real-world characteristics of breviscapine injection for cerebral infarction in 6,795 patients
摘要 目的分析真实世界中注射用灯盏花素治疗脑梗死患者的临床特征及用药特点,为临床提供参考。方法以2002—2015年全国37家三级甲等医院6795例住院期间使用注射用灯盏花素的脑梗死患者为研究对象,应用统计软件SAS 9.3对患者的一般信息、诊断信息及用药信息等进行频次及百分率的描述性分析,应用交叉列联法对注射用灯盏花素的使用剂量与疗程的关系进行分析。结果6795例中男女比例约为1.39∶1;65~80岁者占45.95%;职业以工人最多,占36.73%;入院科室以神经内科最多,占34.64%;入院季节以春季最多,占26.65%,寒露节气入院率最高,占5.71%;入院病情以一般者最多,占73.33%;住院时间以15~28 d最多,占33.20%。患者的合并疾病以原发性高血压病最多,占40.71%;中医证候以痰瘀阻络证最多,占18.16%。注射用灯盏花素的给药途径以静脉滴注最多,共9800次,占89.01%,其中未超说明书剂量使用者占47.67%,超说明书剂量使用者占52.32%。用药时间平均为(11.12±9.63)d。治疗脑梗死合并使用相关西药主要包括降压类、抗血小板聚集类、保护神经类、改善脑供血类西药。治疗脑梗死合并使用相关中药主要包括活血化瘀类、益气养阴类、开窍类、益气扶正类、平补肝肾类、化痰降脂类中药。治愈患者中,未超说明书常用剂量使用者占44.84%,超说明书常用剂量使用者占55.16%。好转患者中,未超说明书常用剂量使用者占52.91%,超说明书常用剂量使用者占47.09%。结论真实世界中,注射用灯盏花素常用于治疗脑梗死,多与降压类西药、活血化瘀类中药合并使用。注射用灯盏花素超说明书常用剂量使用时的疗效及其与糖皮质激素类药物、活血化瘀类药物合并使用时的安全性有待进一步研究。 Objective The clinical characteristics and medication features of patients with cerebral infarction in the real world were analyzed to provide references for clinical application.Methods The 6,795 patients with cerebral infarction who were hospitalized during 2002-2015 in 37 tertially-A hospitals were included as participants,and SAS 9.3 was used to analyze frequency and percentage,and the relationship between dosage and duration.Results In 6,795 cases,the male-female ratio was 1.39∶1.People aged between 65 and 80 years old accounted for 45.95%,and workers,who were the most,accounted for 36.73%.The neurology department was the department with the most admissions,accounting for 34.64%,and the spring was the season with most admissions,acounting for 26.65%.The admission rate of Cold Dew solar term was the highest,accounting for 5.71%.The condition on admission was common,accounting for 73.33%.The hospitalization duration was mostly 15-28 days,accounting for 33.20%.Primary comobidity was hypertension,accounting for 40.71%.Among all traditional Chinese medicine patterns,the pattern of phlegm and blood stasis blocking collaterals was the most common,accounting for 18.16%.The administration of breviscapin for injection was the most frequently used intravenous drip,totaling 9,800 times,accounting for 89.01%,of which 47.67%were not and 52.32%had off-label doses.The average medication days were 11.12±9.63 d.The treatment of cerebral infarction mainly included antihypertensive drugs,antiplatelet aggregation drugs,neuroprotection drugs,and improvement of cerebral blood supply drugs.The treatment of cerebral infarction with the combination of related traditional Chinese medicine mainly included promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis,nourishing Qi and Yin,resusinating,nourishing Qi and strengthening Qi,pacifying and tonifying the liver and kidney,resolving phlegm and lowering lipid.Among the cured patients,44.84%of users were within use-standard dosage,and 55.16%were over-standard dosage.Among patients with
作者 宋清雅 魏瑞丽 谢雁鸣 黎元元 杨晓晨 SONG Qingya;WEI Ruili;XIE Yanming;LI Yuanyuan;YANG Xiaochen(Institute of Basic Research in Clinical Medicine,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700;Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences;School of Statistics of Renmin University of China)
出处 《现代中医临床》 2022年第4期8-16,共9页 Modern Chinese Clinical Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划项目资助(No.2018YFC1707400)。
关键词 注射用灯盏花素 脑梗死 真实世界 breviscapine for injection cerebral infarction real world
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