“Skillful means”is an important premise of Seng Zhao’s Wu Bu Qian Lun. The affirmation of this premise directly affects the understanding of the meaning of “Buqian”. Examining the annotations of the past dynasties can find the emphasis on the premise of “skillful means” and the identification of the “reality”. Although the controversy about the “Buqian” caused by Zhen Cheng in the Ming Dynasty, today, many scholars still rely on Zhen Cheng’s viewpoint and misunderstood the meaning of “Buqian”. However, after looking at the results of Zhen Cheng’s related theories and the behavior after the discussions, we find that although Zhen Cheng deliberately avoids the premise of “Skillful means”, his hermeneutic interpretation fits the purpose of “reality” by comparing with the Zhao Lun’s annotations in the past. This shows that the historical dispute had been resolved at that time.
Yang Benhua(School of Philosophy,Anhui University,Hefei,China)
Tribune of Social Sciences