

The Systems of Official Ranks and Ranking Officials in the Song Dynasty
摘要 本文將官品與品官結合起來探討,從一個新的視角,嘗試研究宋代官品。官品是一個抽象的等級符號,流内一命之官即獲官品;有品之官,即爲品官。兩者相互聯繫不可分割。官品在宋代經歷了從九品正從三十階到九品正從十八階的變化。官品本身没有實際意義,必須通過品官的各種載體,其“尺規”作用纔能得到體現。宋代官品的載體有文武散官、職事官、職名、本官、寄禄官、勳、爵、内外命婦、内侍官等等。凡命官身分,必須通過其所繫官銜的官品,得到條法確認。宋代官品的多元職能,就在於它是表示品官官銜中各種不同官稱的“尺規”。官品不同,代表着命官相應的位遇之不同。諸如官品通過散官階、職事官、勳、爵、職名、寄禄官、章服等定位,決定品官的高下尊卑、俸禄位遇,從而決定品官官户、非官户,親屬蔭官、贈官,品官贖刑等等社會地位與依法可享受的待遇。官品與品官之影響,波及吏胥、庶民,至於黄冠道流,也以官品爲等。官品在宋代政治、社會生活中具有重要意義,是無可置疑的。 The paper combines official ranks and ranking officials together,which is an attempt to study the official ranks in the Song Dynasty from a new perspective.Official ranks were abstract grade symbols,while the first honor officers with official status achieved ranks were called ranking officials.The two were inseparably linked to each other.In the Song Dynasty,the official ranks experienced a change from 9 ranks and 30 classes to 9 ranks and 18 classes.Official ranks themselves did not have any practical meaning,but some official titles of ranking officials extended their influences.There were various carriers of official titles in the Song Dynasty,such as civil and military service prestige titles,administrative official,official name,titular office,salary office,merit title,nobility,inner and outer noblewoman,and palace attendant,etc.The status of appointed officials should be confirmed by regulations according to the ranks of the official titles.The pluralistic functions of the official ranks in Song Dynasty were that they were the“rulers”to indicate the various official titles of the ranking officials.The different official ranks represented the different positions and treatment of the corresponding officials.For example,through service prestige titles,administrative official,merit title,nobility,official name,salary office and official robes,the official ranks not only stipulated officers’social status,salaries and treatment,but also played an important role in the relatives’protection privilege and posthumous office,the officers’redemption,and whether an officer’s family was an official family or not.The influence of the official ranks and ranking officials spread to the subofficial functionary and the general population,and even the Taoist priests were classified by the standard of official ranks.It is undeniable that the official ranks were of great importance in the political and social life of the Song Dynasty.
作者 龔延明 Gong Yanming
出处 《中华文史论丛》 CSSCI 2022年第2期101-154,398,399,共56页 Journal of Chinese Literature and History
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