
京津冀经济圈生物医药产业竞争力评价 被引量:3

Competitiveness Evaluation of Bio-pharmaceutical Industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Economic Circle
摘要 评价京津冀地区生物医药产业竞争力情况,可以进一步了解整个地区的生物医药产业发展现状,发掘各地区存在的发展差异以及短板问题,对京津冀地区整体的生物医药产业竞争力提升和持续良性发展具有重要意义。首先根据战略性新兴产业的相关定义及高新技术产业特性,从技术水平和创新水平两个维度建立地区生物医药产业竞争力评价指标体系;然后依据2011—2018年京津冀地区生物医药产业技术投入和创新研发的有关数据,运用因子分析的方法对其进行实证分析,发现京津冀经济圈生物医药产业存在整体发展速度放缓且发展不平衡的现象,且部分地区生物医药产业还存在技术水平竞争力落后、内在创新驱动力不足等问题;最后提出京津冀地区应加强内部协作、加快生物医药产业结构的优化调整等多种途径提升整体生物医药产业竞争力水平的建议。 By evaluating the competitiveness of the bio-pharmaceutical industry in The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, it is of great significance to understand the development status of the bio-pharmaceutical industry in the whole region and to explore the development differences and shortcomings in each region. Firstly, according to the relevant definitions of strategic emerging industries and the characteristics of high-tech industries, the evaluation index system of regional bio-pharmaceutical industry competitiveness is established from the two dimensions of technical level and innovation level. Then the relevant data of bio-pharmaceutical industry technology input and innovation research and development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from 2011 to 2018 are collected and analyzed by factor analysis method. It is found that the overall development speed of bio-pharmaceutical industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic circle is slowing and unbalanced, and there are still some problems in biopharmaceutical industry in some areas, such as backward technical level competitiveness and insufficient internal innovation driving force. Finally, in view of the above problems, it is proposed that Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region should strengthen internal cooperation, speed up the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure of biological medicine and other ways to improve the competitiveness of the whole bio-pharmaceutical industry.
作者 庄淑桢 谭清立 ZHUANG Shuzhen;TAN Qingli(School of Medical Business,Guangdong Pharmaceutical University,Zhongshan 528400;Guangdong Research Base for Drug Regulatory Science,Zhongshan 528400)
出处 《中国科技资源导刊》 2022年第4期102-110,共9页 China Science & Technology Resources Review
基金 广东软科学计划面上项目“粤港澳大湾区生物医药产业与世界主要湾区的比较及优化研究”(2019A101002068)。
关键词 生物医药产业 竞争力分析 因子分析法 京津冀城市群 SPSS 战略性新兴产业 Bio-pharmaceutical industry competitive analysis Factor analysis Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration SPSS strategic emerging industry
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