

From State Power Consolidation to Joint-province Autonomy--The Transformation of Zhang Taiyan's Political Proposition and Its Internal Logic
摘要 从立志走上革命之路起,章太炎一直在思考如何能让中国摆脱帝国主义的侵略,保证中国主权与领土的完整。在此前提下,他还聚焦于如何在中国实现名副其实的民主政治,使政治设计能够保障大多数民众的权益,而非沦为少数特权集团的工具。武昌起义之后,章太炎积极投身新政权的建设。他先是倡导巩固国权,希望联合立宪派与旧官僚让新政权得以稳定,但不久之后,便发现这些群体与自己不是一路人,而袁世凯则更等而下之。他逐渐意识到,北洋集团长期把持中央政权,极易干出卖国勾当,于是开始积极提倡联省自治,并为此多方奔走。从清末到民初章太炎的政治主张在表面上虽有所变化,但核心关切一以贯之,即通过制度设计来抵御帝国主义对中国的侵略,将保障民权与巩固国权有机结合。只是在民初“军绅政权”的架构下,他的政治主张难以得到实践。他本人也未能跳出既有的权力格局,思考如何组织动员新的政治力量。 Since his determination for revolution,Zhang Taiyan had been thinking about how to get rid of imperialist aggression and ensure China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.Under this premise,he also focused on how to realize a true democracy in China,so that political design can protect the rights and interests of the majority,rather than becoming a tool for a few privileged groups.After the Wuchang Uprising,Zhang Taiyan actively participated in the construction of the new regime.He first advocated the consolidation of state power,hoping to unite the constitutionalists and the old bureaucrats to stabilize the new regime.But soon after,he found that these groups were quite different from what he thought to be,not to mention Yuan Shikai.He gradually realized that the Beiyang Group had long controlled the central government and was easy to do traitorous activities,so he began to actively promote joint-province autonomy.From the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China,although Zhang Taiyan's political ideas changed on the surface,his core concerns were consistent.Only under the framework of the“military gentry regime”in the early Republic of China,his political ideas were difficult to be put into practice.As a result,he failed to jump out of the existing power structure and think about how to organize and mobilize new political forces.
作者 王锐 WANG Rui(Department of History,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2022年第4期40-54,共15页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 浙江省文化工程(第二期)第四批立项课题“浙学与民国学术”(19WH40044ZD-2Z)的研究成果。
关键词 章太炎 巩固国权 联省自治 政治主张 Zhang Taiyan state power consolidation joint-province autonomy political proposition
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