

Three Dimensions of Mencius’ Political Jurisprudence:Wang Dao,Wang Zheng and Wang Zhi
摘要 孟子的法理学主要体现为政治法学。孟子的政治法学可以从王道、王政、王制3个维度来透视。其中,王道具有形而上的特征,可以视为孟子政治法学的理论依据。王制具有形而下的特征,可以视为孟子政治法学的制度表达。居于王道与王制之间的环节是王政,它作为华夏文明早期出现的一个概念,不仅描述了一种政体,而且具有饱满的法理意义。王政以王道为灵魂,以王制为肉身,代表了孟子关于理想政体的憧憬。“批判法学”是孟子政治法学的特质。它对拒绝王道、背离王政、抛弃王制的政治现实进行了全面、系统、深刻的批判,体现了批判法学的精神与风格,开创了儒家视野中的批判法学。作为一个时代的思想导师,孟子创造了堪与一个时代的政治权力、经济财富并立的精神资源。因为这种精神资源,孟子的批判法学一直闪耀着激荡人心的思想光芒。 Mencius’ jurisprudence is mostly political jurisprudence.His political jurisprudence can be perceived from three dimensions of Wang Dao(the kingly way),Wang Zheng(the kingly way of politics) and Wang Zhi(the kingly rule).Wang Dao has metaphysical characteristics and can be regarded as the theoretical basis of Mencius’ political jurisprudence.Wang Zhi has physical characteristics and can be regarded as the institutional representation of Mencius’ political jurisprudence.What lies between Wang Dao and Wang Zhi is Wang Zheng.This concept appeared in the early stage of Chinese civilization.It is not only representative of a political system,but also of great significance in terms of jurisprudence.Wang Zheng,with Wang Dao as its basis and Wang Zhi as its form,represents Mencius’ vision of ideal polity.Mencius’ political jurisprudence makes comprehensive,systematic and profound criticism on the political reality of going against Wang Dao,Wang Zheng and Wang Zhi,reflecting the essence and style of critical jurisprudence and creating the critical jurisprudence from the perspective of Confucianism.As an ideological mentor of his time,Mencius provided great spiritual resources comparable to political power and economic wealth of the time.For this reason,Mencius’ critical jurisprudence is truly enlightening and inspiring.
作者 喻中 YU Zhong(Law School,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing,100088)
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期85-95,共11页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 北京市社会科学基金项目“儒家法哲学史研究”(17ZDA15)。
关键词 孟子 王道 王政 王制 政体 政治法学 批判法学 Mencius Wang Dao Wang Zheng Wang Zhi polity political jurisprudence critical jurisprudence
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