

A Review of the Thought of Generals and Marshals in Ming Dynastyy
摘要 明代既是我国传统兵学发展的又一个高峰期,也是我国传统兵学的总结期,由于战争的频繁、科技进步、文人论兵等因素的推动,兵学理论也在某些方面发生着急速变化,将帅理论就是如此。较之前代,明代将帅理论内容更为丰富,涉及论将、选将、举将、任将、练将、御将等方方面面,既有对之前将帅理论的总结,也有符合时代的新内容。如鉴于明代战场将帅乏人的状况,突出了用将过程中的“量才器使”,以及选拔标准和选拔途径的多样性;受儒家思想和文人论兵的影响,对将领“忠”“贤”“仁”等品质更为看重;增加了练将的内容,戚继光不仅提出了练将问题,还回答了为什么练、怎样练和练什么的问题,为合格将帅的养成提供了借鉴,极大丰富了传统兵学将帅理论的内容。 Ming Dynasty is not only another peak of the development of Chinese traditional military science,but also a summary period of Chinese traditional military science.Due to the factors of the frequent wars,the progress of science and technology and the scholars’discussion on military affairs,the content of military theory becomes rich and rapid changes have taken place in some aspects,such as the theory of generals and marshals.Compared with the previous generations,the theory of generals and marshals in Ming Dynasty is richer in content,involving all aspects of generals and marshals,including discussing generals,selecting generals,recommending generals,nominating generals,training generals and commanding generals.The theoretical content and system include a summary of the previous theories of generals and marshals as well as the new content with the times.In view of the lack of generals and marshals in Ming Dynasty,the“talent measurement”in the process of using generals as well as the diversity of selection criteria and ways are highlighted.Influenced by Confucianism and scholars’discussion on military affairs,the qualities of generals such as“loyalty”,“virtue”and“benevolence”have been paid more attention to in Ming Dynasty.The content of training generals has been added,compared with only talking about selecting and appointing generals previously.Qi Jiguang not only raised the question of training generals,but also answered the question of why,how and what to train generals,which provides reference for the cultivation of qualified generals and marshals and greatly enriches the content of traditional military theory of generals and marshals.
作者 梁娟娟 LIANG Juan-juan(Research Institute of Sun Tzu,Binzhou University,Binzhou 256603,China)
出处 《滨州学院学报》 2022年第3期25-38,共14页 Journal of Binzhou University
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目“明代孙子学研究”(20FJSB003) 国家社会科学基金项目“明代告示榜文与基层社会治理研究”(18BZS064)。
关键词 明代 将帅理论 孙子 戚继光 练将 儒家 Ming Dynasty theory of generals and marshals Sun Tzu Qi Jiguang train generals confucianist
分类号 E892 [军事]
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