
朱熹、张栻解《孟子》“王何必曰利?亦有仁义而已矣”之比较 被引量:2

A Comparison between Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi’s Interpretations of Mencius:“Why Should the King Say Benefit?There Is Only Benevolence and Righteousness.”
摘要 朱熹、张栻解《孟子》“王何必曰利?亦有仁义而已矣”,以程颐的天理人欲概念讨论义利之辨,大致源于胡安国讲“义者,天理之公;利者,人欲之私”。张栻讲“无所为者天理,义之公也;有所为者人欲,利之私也”,讲“无所为者”与“有所为者”的对立。朱熹进一步讲仁义为天理之公,利心为人欲之私,讲仁义之心与利心的对立。因此,朱熹与张栻的解读,并没有讲义利对立,而且朱熹讲“仁义未尝不利”,与张栻讲“仁义之行,固无不利者也”如出一辙。然而,朱熹又讲“君子未尝不欲利”,较张栻对于利有更多的肯定。尤其是,张栻把义利之辨与王道联系起来,而朱熹则更在意“君子未尝不欲利”“仁义未尝不利”与孟子所言在学理上的融洽一致。 Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi used Cheng Yi’s concept of natural reason and human desire to explain Mencius: “why should the king say benefit? There is only benevolence and righteousness. ” And discussed the differences between righteousness and benefit, which originated from Hu Anguo’s saying that “righteousness is the justice of natural reason;benefit is the privacy of human desire”. Zhang talked about the opposition between “doing nothing” and “doing something”. Zhu further said that benevolence and righteousness are the justice of heaven, and the idea of seeking benefits is the private of human desire, and spoke of the opposition between benevolence and the idea of seeking benefits. Therefore, the interpretation of Zhu and Zhang is not only about the opposition between righteousness and benefit, but also Zhu’s “benevolence and righteousness are not without benefit”, which is the same as Zhang’s “benevolent and righteous acts are not without benefit”. However, Zhu also said that “ Agentleman does not want benefit”, which has more affirmation of benefit than Zhang. In particular, Zhang linked the distinction between righteousness and benefit with the kingly way, while Zhu paid more attention to the harmony between “Agentleman does not want benefit” and “benevolent and righteous acts are not without benefit” as advocated by Mencius.
作者 乐爱国 LE Ai-guo(Department of philosophy,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian,China)
机构地区 厦门大学哲学系
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期21-26,共6页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金后期重点项目:朱熹《论语》学阐释:问题与新意(19FZXA001)。
关键词 朱熹 张栻 胡安国 《孟子》 义利 Zhu Xi Zhang Shi Hu Anguo Mencius Righteousness and benefit
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