
微信公众号健康答题活动传播效果评价 被引量:2

Evaluation for health communication effect of health quiz activity via WeChat official account
摘要 目的 分析微信公众号开展健康答题活动的传播特征,评价传播效果,为研究新媒体健康传播策略提供科学依据。方法 采集“无锡疾控”微信公众号举办的健康答题活动相关数据,使用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计分析。结果 共有67 110人参与答题活动,男女比为1.18∶1,机关事业单位人员占比59.00%,高中/中专/职高及以上学历占比87.48%,答题总次数累计155 456次,活动页面转发数累计57 502次,参与活动的用户总数占累计订阅用户总数的44.32%,微信公众号单日新增订阅用户数呈波动下降趋势,不同人口学特征用户答题正确率不同(P<0.001),不同主题答题正确率不同(P<0.001),正确率最低的主题是“吸烟危害心脏”,答题末日的正确率为73.48%高于首日正确率68.04%(P<0.001)。结论 以微信公众号为载体,采用健康答题方式开展健康科普能够提高用户活跃度和知识知晓率,有助于提升微信公众号传播力。 Objective To study the characteristics of health quiz activity via WeChat official account and to evaluate the effect for providing empirical evidence of new media health communication strategies. Methods The data collected from health quiz via Wuxi CDC WeChat official account were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 software. Results Among 67 110 users participated the quiz activity, the gender ratio was 1.18 ∶1,59.00 percent of them served in government departments and public institutions, and 87.48 percent got high school degree or above education level.The quiz accumulated 155 456 times of attends, 57 502 times of page forwards, and the total number of users engaged accounting for 44.32% of the cumulative subscribers, but the number of new subscribers per day showed a fluctuating downward trend.The awareness rate was different among demographic groups and topics(P<0.001).The health topic with the lowest rate was Tobacco and Heart Disease.The awareness rate on the last day(73.48%)was higher than on the first day(68.04%)(P<0.001). Conclusion The health quiz activity via WeChat official account has positive effect for science popularization on users in awareness rate and active degree, as well as improving the media influence.
作者 马文娟 王礼华 张雪峰 张甫兴 李志娟 须凡帆 王璐 MA Wen-juan;WANG Li-hua;ZHANG Xue-feng;ZHANG Fu-xing;LI Zhi-juan;XU Fan-fan;WANG Lu(Wuxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention,The Affiliated Wuxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Nanjing Medical University f Wuxi 214023,China)
出处 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2022年第4期318-321,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 江南大学公共卫生研究中心项目(JUPH201848) 无锡市卫生计生委青年项目(Q201735)。
关键词 健康传播 新媒体 微信公众号 科普 效果评价 Health communication New media WeChat official accounts Science popularization Evaluation
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