Bulk arrival retrial G-queue with impatient customers and multi-servicessubject to server breakdowns has been analyzed. The system allows the arrival oftwo types of customers: positive customers and negative customers in the system.The negative customers make the server fail if they find the server in busy state,whereas positive customers are served if the server is idle otherwise they join thevirtual pool of customers called orbit. The customers from the retrial orbit try theirchance again for the service. The customers have the option of obtaining more than oneservice. Moreover, the customers are impatient and may renege from the system withprobability (1−r ). The server is sent for repair as soon as it breakdowns;after repair,the service process starts again. Also, the server has the provision to initiate the servicewhen there areN customers accumulated in the system. Using supplementary variablestechnique and generating functions, various performance measures like reliabilityindices and long run probabilities have been obtained.