古树是珍贵的自然遗产,梳理国内外古树研究进展有助于了解国内外古树研究的异同,为今后的古树研究提供新思路。文章以“web of science”和中国CNKI学术期刊为数据来源,以1980—2019年为检索期限,并以“old trees”“ancient trees”“heritage trees”和“古树名木”“古树”为主题词进行检索统计,对比分析国内外古树研究在刊文期刊、热点研究领域及高被引频次论文等方面的差异,结果发现:国外对古树研究的重视程度较高,刊文期刊包括Nature、Science等知名期刊,研究内容主要集中在古树特定种类生理特性,以及古树与森林关系等方面;国内对古树研究的重视程度较低,刊文期刊影响力也较低,研究内容主要聚焦在古树资源调查、古树保护对策、古树复壮养护技术等领域。基于对比分析结果,建议国内研究应拓展国际视野,加强古树生态价值、生理特性等领域研究;国外应进一步重视古树资源调查与统计,了解古树分布特点。
Old trees are precious natural heritages.The review of national and international research progress in old trees is helpful for understanding the similarities and differences in the research on old trees at home and abroad,and provides new ideas for the future study of old tree.This study uses“old trees”,“ancient trees”,“heritage trees”and“ancient and famous trees(in Chinese)”as key words to search and retrieve data in 1980-2019 from“web of science”and China Academic Journals(CNKI),to compare the differences of old trees research at home and abroad in journals,research hotspots and papers with high citation frequency.The results show that the study of old trees is highly valued abroad,giving priority to physiological characteristics of specific species of old trees and the relationship between old trees and forests,and the research results get published in high impact factor journals like Nature and Science.The research on old trees in China is insufficiently carried out and concentrated on old tree resources investigation,old tree protection strategies,old tree rejuvenation and conservation technology,which are often published on low impact factor journals.Based on the comparative analysis,it is suggested that Chinese scholars should broaden their visions to strengthen the research on the ecological value and physiological characteristics of old trees while the research on old tree investigation and statistics should be enhanced in other countries.
Chen Saisai;Li Zhixuan;Zhang Mingjuan(College of Horticulture,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China)
Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry