
近代中国植树节倡设者之考证 被引量:1

Textual Research on the Initiator of Arbor Day in Modern China
摘要 植树造林是改善自然生态环境的重要途径。作为以鼓励和宣传植树造林为主要功能而存在的植树节,在我国深入推进生态文明建设的当下,其现实意义更加凸显。正因如此,一些民众抑或学者对植树节的起源也产生了兴趣,特别是对“谁是中国植树节倡设者”的问题,或许由于史料缺失的原因,出现了各种不同的表述。这无疑给林史文化的传播造成了信息混乱,也不利于对历史事件中当事人的功绩进行客观评价。笔者针对近些年来出现的关于近代中国植树节倡设者的不同说法,基于新发现的裴义理关于中国植树节的历史记录文献以及有关近代史料,从历史事件的基本要素视角进行了严肃考查,并对相关问题进行了充分的论证:首先,确证了裴义理是近代中国植树节首要和唯一的倡设者;其次,否定了韩安、凌道扬也是植树节倡设人的说法,但通过史料证据分析,肯定了二者在裴义理倡议的基础上,在推动植树节设立及其实施的过程中发挥过重要作用;再次,对于认为孙中山是植树节倡设者的说法,从当时的政治历史背景以及史实证据两方面,提出了质疑与评述,同时从将植树造林纳入治国方略,以及在三民主义中的重要论述来看,肯定了孙中山作为近代中国政治家在推动植树造林方面的先驱者角色;最后,提出了将有关植树节的历史内容纳入生态文明教育之教材的建议。 Afforestation is one of the important means of improving ecology and natural environment.Under the current background of strengthening eco⁃civilization development,the practical significance of Arbor Day,observed by planting trees,is more prominent.The origin of Arbor Day attracts interest from the populace and scholars.Perhaps due to the lack of historical data,there are various statements,especially about the issue of“who was the initiator of China's Arbor Day”,which results in misinformation in the spreading of forestry history,making it difficult to make an objective evaluation of the historic contributions of the persons involved.Based on the newfound historical records of Joseph Bailie and relevant historical materials and documents in modern times,a textual research was done from the perspectives of fundamental elements of historical events.It was confirmed that Joseph Bailie was the sole initiator of China's Arbor Day.The statement that Han An and Ling Daoyang were initiators of China's Arbor Day was denied,but it was found that they played an important role in promoting the establishment of Arbor Day on the basis of Joseph Bailie's proposal.Based on the analysis of the political and historical background and the historical materials,the paper questioned and commented the statement that Sun Yat⁃sen was the initiator of China's Arbor Day.Meanwhile,the pioneering role of Sun Yat⁃sen in propelling afforestation was affirmed.He made an important relevant statement in his elaboration on the Three People's Principles and included afforestation in the general plan for governing the country.Finally,it was suggested that the history of China's Arbor Day should be included in the teaching materials of eco⁃civilization education.
作者 杨绍陇 黄红 YANG Shaolong;HUANG Hong(Archives of Nanjing Forestry University)
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2022年第3期37-48,共12页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 近代 中国植树节 倡设者 裴义理 modern times China's Arbor Day initiator Joseph Bailie
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