When editing a text,the caliber and standard of comparing character variants of different editions entirely depend on the edition system,which can be roughly categorized into two cases:first,the editions come from various sources without same-origin ancestral edition;second,the ancestral edition is the first edition,while later on more editions developed from it but coexited with it.For the latter,since it is a linear process,it should respect the first edition or the earliest edition,but be careful with the later editions.During the process,it often increases errors if one step was added,which cannot be resolve with proofreading.Regarding to the editions of the Jin History,there were first edition from the Zhizheng period,the Nanjian edition,the Beijian edition,and the court edition of the Qianlong,which follow a linear system.Therefore,it should follow the original condition of the first edition and correct errors of later editions,and be careful with the character variants between the ancestral edition and later editions.However,the most important key is to identify the kinship between the first edition of the Zhizheng period and the Nanjian edition,because the Nanjian edition was a key step for later editions,which laid the foundation for reprinted editions of later generation and widely circulated.This paper will focus on the comparison between the Nanjian edition and the Baina edition,using some cases for detailed analysis,in order to reveal the birth process of the Nanjian edition.
the Jin History
the Nanjian Edition
the Reprinted Edition of the Hongwu Period
the Revised Edition
the Proofreading of the Editions