“Xiang(image)” and “lei(classification)” are two important concepts in the scholarship on the Changes. From the interpretation of Yi jing in Yi zhuan(Commentaries on the Changes), the two concepts do not exist in isolation, but blend with each other. On the one hand, it is reflected in “taking xiang by observing things”. The “xiang” taken by “observing things” is a kind of non-objectified image in mind with the attribute of “lei(kind, category)”. On the other hand, it is embodied in “recognizing xiang when contacting lei(different kinds of things)”, which is obtaining clear ideological xiang by understanding things in the universe through methods like analogizing. This mode of thinking connecting “xiang” and “lei” is “xiang-lei” thinking. From “guan(observation)” and “gan(feeling and empathy)” of the body-subject, through the thinking process of connecting “xiang” and “lei”, “yi(meaning)” shows itself. “Xiang-lei” thinking highlights the thinking structure and characteristics of connecting “guan”, “gan”, “lei”, “xiang” and “yi” in the culture of Qin-Han(221 BCE-220 CE) period. This thinking pattern has a profound impact on the culture and the mode of thinking in the Han(206 BCE-220 CE) dynasty. It is embodied mainly in the juxtaposition of “xiang” and “lei” in the literature of the Han dynasty. In the meantime, “xiang-lei” mode of thinking plays an important role in understanding Chinese aesthetic thinking which emphasizes eidetic intuition and the concepts related to “xiang”.
Studies of Zhouyi