
约翰·怀德曼小说的暴力书写与种族政治 被引量:1

The Violence Writing and Racial Politics in John Wideman’s Novels
摘要 暴力一直是西方理论界关注的焦点,齐泽克关于主观暴力和客观暴力的划分及论断对于文学研究具有重要的指导价值。怀德曼的小说全景式地展示了美国20世纪60至90年代的非裔主观暴力,基于对暴力后果的思考和呈现表达了他的暴力观。在小说中,以审判失公和执法缺场为内核的司法客观暴力解构了“法律的内在道德”,导致了非裔主观暴力的产生和泛滥。同时,种族主义意识形态的前景化揭示了系统暴力在其中的根本作用。怀德曼基于暴力书写展现了后民权运动时代国家机器凭借系统暴力对非裔实行压制的事实,揭示了系统暴力不断制造“赤裸生命”的本质,批判了美国种族政治的内在逻辑,借此呼吁公义法制伦理的建立和国家对生命的珍视。 Violence has always been the focus in western theoretical circle. The violence was divided into subjective violence and objective violence and the relationship between the two was discussed by Slavoj?i?ek,which has provided important guiding value for literary studies. Wideman’s novels have pictured the panorama of the AfricanAmericans’ subjective violence between 1960s and 1990s,and expressed Wideman’s violence view based on his reflection on and revealing of the evil violence consequences from several perspectives. In Wideman’s novels,the“inherent morality of law”has been deconstructed by judicial objective violence constituting of judicial misconduct and lack of law enforcement,which has led to the emergence and proliferation of African-Americans’ subjective violence. Meanwhile, the foregrounding of racist ideology in the judicial objective violence has revealed the fundamental role of systematic violence in creating the subjective violence. His novels have shown the fact that the state machine has suppressed African-Americans by systematic violence in the Post-Civil Rights Movement era,revealed the essence that systematic violence has constantly created “bare life”,and criticized the internal logic of American racial politics,by which Wideman has called for the establishment of justice and legal ethics and the state’s cherishing of life.
作者 张琼 ZHANG Qiong
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期30-37,160,共9页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“约翰·怀德曼小说研究”(16CWW018)。
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