烷基化反应中一直沿用的催化剂H2 SO4,HF对环境污染较大 ,腐蚀设备与产物分离困难。文中详细讨论了影响固体酸催化剂PW12 在炭化树脂吸附过程中受预处理的影响。通过实验确定此催化剂制备过程中的适宜预处理条件 ,如预处理溶剂 ,预处理溶剂的浓度。并结合理论进行了分析。
Existing industrial alkylation processes employ corrosive and environmental hazardous HF and H2SO4 as catalysts The catalysts have many disadvantages such as pollution , corrosion and difficulty of separating the product and the catalyst For these safety and environmental reasons their substitution with a noncorrosive solid catalyst is desirable This research focuses on the adsorption of the PW12 on carbonized resin which has high activity and is environmental friendlyThe relationship between the acid pretreatment and the activity of catalyst has been studied experimentally and the best pretreatment condition was obtained A theoretical analysis is made
Journal of Changchun University of Technology
吉林省科技厅科学技术发展基金资助项目(吉科合字第970523 1号)