数据仓库和联机分析处理 (OL AP)是第三代数据库系统的两个重要新技术。由于没有对 OL AP形成准确的、共同认可的数据概念模型 ,造成目前一些支持 OL AP的数据模型都有一些不合理的限制 ,除非这些模型重新设计 ,否则不能回答特殊类型的询问。在此基础上 ,形式化地定义了一种基于关系的简单、直观的描述复杂大型数据的星型数据模型 ,并设计了 2个简单的星型关系代数以支持在该数据模型上的 OL AP操作。
Data warehouse and OLAP are the very important new techniques in the data base system Ш. Lack of accurate and recognized conceptual data model of OLAP leads to certain unreasonable restrictions on the data model which support OLAP. It is impossible to give reply to some specific problems unless these modes are redisigned. This paper defines a simple and object star data mode which is able to describe complex and large sized data, and designs two simple star relative algebra to support the operation of the data model.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology