

Emperor Gaozong’s Activity of Praying for a Son and Its Political Influence
摘要 未满23岁的宋高宗在逃亡途中失去了生育能力。因政治形势的需要,宋高宗先后收养了两名宗室子,但他不甘心没有亲子继承皇位,为求得子嗣,亲祀高禖、感生帝,为春秋时存赵有功的程婴、公孙杵臼、韩厥增加封号、立庙祭祀,在全国各地设置放生池,同时认真研究医药,接受江湖郎中王继先的医药诊治。然而事与愿违,宋高宗数十年的努力终无成效,只能把皇位传给养子。求子的心切,难免影响宋高宗治理国家的热情;身体的困扰,也会减退宋高宗处理政事的精力,这便导致秦桧的长期独相和宋高宗的提前退位。宋孝宗继位前,十分清楚自己的身份地位,心理上的长期压抑,继位后的政策转变,衍生出他对太上皇帝宋高宗超乎寻常的孝。显然,宋高宗求子的过程及尴尬的结局对当时宫廷内外的政治产生了重要影响。 When Emperor Gaozong was under the age of23,he lost his fertility during his escape.Due to the need of the political situation,Emperor Gaozong had adopted two boys of the royal clan.However,he was not reconciled to the fact that he did not have his own son to inherit the throne,so he left no stone unturned for a son.In order to have a son for his own,he not only added titles and built temples for Cheng Ying,Gongsun Chujiu and Han Jue,because they saved the Zhao during the Spring and Autumn Period,but also set up ponds for releasing animals in various places and seriously studied medicine to accept the quack doctor Wang Jixian’s medical diagnosis and treatment.But things went opposite to his wishes.After decades of fruitless efforts,Emperor Gaozong passed the throne to his adopted son.His desire for a son inevitably affected his enthusiasm for governing the country.His physical troubles also diminished his energy to deal with political affairs.This led to Qin Hui’s long-term service as prime minister and Gaozong’s early abdication.Emperor Xiaozong was very clear about his status before he ascended to the throne,hence his long-term psychological depression and the policy change after the succession brought about his extraordinary filial piety to Emperor Gaozong.It can be said that the process of Gaozong’s praying for a son and its awkward ending had an important influence on the political situation inside and outside the court at that time.
作者 许起山 XU Qi-shan(Institute of Chinese Cultural History,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China)
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2022年第3期33-43,共11页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“两宋之际杂史辑佚与研究”(20CZS009)的研究成果。
关键词 宋高宗 宋孝宗 求子活动 立储 政治影响 Emperor Gaozong Emperor Xiaozong praying for a son conferring successor to the throne political situation
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