
两类El Niňo事件盛期南大洋海冰异常的对比分析

Comparison between the Effects of Two Types of El Niňo Events on Austral Summer Sea Ice in the Antarctic
摘要 基于1979~2017年数据,利用回归方法和线性模式试验,分析了两类El Niño事件(东部型EP和中部型CP)盛期(12月至2月)南大洋海冰异常的差异及其可能机制。结果表明,两类事件期间尽管海冰异常定性上类似,但强度和位置存在明显差异:在罗斯海和阿蒙森海,两类事件期间海冰均偏少,但EP期间海冰减少范围更大,振幅更强;在威德尔海,两类事件期间海冰均偏多,但EP期间增多更明显,而且位置相对CP期间偏西偏北。造成这种差异的主要因素是两类事件期间海温异常强度的不同:EP期间对应的海温偏东偏强,其激发的类太平洋—南美型(PSA)模态在南极边缘海的异常高压中心强度更大、范围更广,使得罗斯海区域为东北风异常控制,有利海冰向高纬输送,海冰范围进而减少;而威德尔海区域则是异常偏南风控制,使得海冰向北输送,有利于威德尔海南部海冰范围减少,北部海冰范围增大。相比之下,CP事件期间,赤道中东太平洋的暖海温异常偏于中太平洋且强度弱,其激发的类PSA在南极边缘的异常高压偏弱,使得动力作用引起阿蒙森海的海冰减少和威德尔海海冰增加偏弱。进一步的分析表明,CP事件期间威德尔海海冰增多还与该区域更早时间(11月份)的海冰增多,及随后海冰—太阳反照率的正反馈效应有关。本研究结果显示两类事件期间海冰异常的强度和位置的差异,与两类事件期间赤道中东太平洋SSTA强度和位置的差异,二者有很好的对应关系,相比前人的合成分析结果(CP期间海冰异常强于EP期间),物理上更为合理。 Based on the sea ice data from 1979 to 2017,this study used linear regression and a linear baroclinic model to investigate the differences in Antarctic sea ice in Austral summer during two types of El Niño events(Eastern-Pacific,EP and Central-Pacific,CP)and their potential physical mechanisms.The results suggest that the amplitude and spatial pattern of sea ice anomalies differ,despite some similarities.The sea ice anomalies in the Ross Sea and the Amundsen Sea are negative in both EP and CP events,but they are more robust in the EP event than the CP event.The sea ice anomalies in the Weddell Sea are positive,and they are stronger and farther northwestward in the EP event relative to the CP event.The difference in the intensity of sea temperature anomalies between EP and CP events is a major reason for the different amplitude of sea ice.The sea surface temperature anomalies are stronger in the EP event than the CP event,forcing a Pacific–South America teleconnection pattern with a stronger high-pressure anomaly.In the EP event,such atmospheric circulation causes a northeast wind anomaly in the Ross Sea,transporting sea ice to high latitudes and decreasing sea ice.It causes a south wind anomaly in the Weddell Sea,causing sea ice to accumulate on the northern Weddell Sea.Compared to the EP event,the Pacific–South America teleconnection anomaly forced by the CP event is weaker,which induced weaker sea ice anomalies.The positive anomaly of sea ice in the Weddell Sea appeared during the CP event in November and grew stronger due to the ice–albedo feedback in the following spring.Our findings suggest that sea ice anomalies are stronger when the sea surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Pacific are stronger.It differs from previous studies but is more reasonable.
作者 王卓凡 韩哲 李双林 李国平 孙雪倩 WANG Zhuofan;HAN Zhe;LI Shuanglin;LI Guoping;SUN Xueqian(School of Atmospheric Sciences,Chengdu University of Information Technology,Chengdu 610225;The Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029)
出处 《气候与环境研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期436-446,共11页 Climatic and Environmental Research
基金 中国科学院战略性先导专项XDA19070402。
关键词 东部型厄尔尼诺 中部型厄尔尼诺 南极海冰 遥相关 太平洋—南美型(PSA) Eastern-Pacific El Niño event Central-Pacific El Niño event Antarctic sea ice Teleconnection Pacific–South America pattern
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