道路是一条空间带状结构物 ,其横断面设计是重要的设计组成部分 .由于横断面数量多 ,设计工作量大 ,必须应用计算机辅助设计技术 ;此外 ,道路横断面设计还涉及大量道路平面、纵面数据以及经验数据和规范 ,因此 ,在机助设计软件中 ,必须应用数据库技术管理大量工程数据 .作者通过对道路一般路基横断面设计数据的分析和分类 ,建立了一般路基横断面数据库 ;应用ObjectARX 2 0 0 0和面向对象的编程技术实现了一般路基横断面自动和交互式设计 ,内容包括路基边坡设计、土石方工程量计算、标准路基挡墙设计及图形绘制 ;在辅助设计系统中 ,以Win dows9X为操作系统 ,在VisualC++6 .0环境下开发 ,依托VisualFoxro 6 .0应用数据库 ,能在AutoCAD 2 0 0 0的图形环境下运行 .
The design of cross section is an important part of the route, which comprises a large part of work in route design. Applying computer aided design technology to cross section design is an efficient method. Cross section design needs a lot of engineering data, so it is necessary to apply database manage technology in cross section computer aided design. By analysing and classifying the design data of normal highway cross section, a database of normal highway cross section is built. Applying the technology of ObjectARX?2000 and Object-Oriented, the highway cross section computer aided design is implemented. The main function of the system is to design general cross section automatically and interactively, including fixing side slopes, calculating earthwork and designing general retaining wall according to relative standard. The system, which is set up on Windows 9X operation system and based on the database of Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0, is developed in the environment of Microsoft Visual C++?6.0 and AutoCAD 2000.
Journal of Central South University of Technology(Natural Science)