
基于AHP层次分析和综合指数法的肥东县高标准基本农田适宜性分区评价 被引量:1

Zoning evaluation of suitability of high-standard basic farmland in Feidong County based on AHP and comprehensive index method
摘要 高标准基本农田建设是强化耕地保护、保障我国粮食安全的重要举措。随着我国人地矛盾的日益凸显,耕地保护形势的日趋严峻,进行高标准基本农田研究迫在眉睫。以“高标准基本农田建设示范县”肥东县为例,在收集分析研究区内气象、水文、地质地貌、水文地质、农业和农田水利建设等资料的基础上,基于研究区内的368点次水位埋深数据、37组水质数据、1?5万土地利用、水系、地貌轮廓等遥感数据和3 870件土壤样品数据,以水文地质条件为重点,结合土壤理化性状和土壤养分状况,采用AHP层次分析和综合指数法对肥东县高标准基本农田建设进行适宜性分区评价。结果表明:农业适宜性综合指数可划分为高度适宜区、适宜区、基本适宜区和不适宜区四个级别分区。从适宜性评价综合指数分级及结果看,肥东县农业适宜性分区中适宜区所占比重最高,面积为721.50 km^(2),约占全县土地面积40.59%;另外三种等级分布较均匀。其中,高度适宜区面积为330.73 km^(2),约占全县土地面积18.61%,基本适宜区面积为350.42 km^(2),约占全县土地面积19.71%,而不适宜农业种植区的面积374.95 km^(2),约占全县土地面积21.09%。研究结果可为肥东县高标准基本农田分区建设提供改良措施与建议。 The construction of high-standard basic farmland is an important measure to strengthen the protection of cultivated land and ensure my country′s food security.With the increasingly prominent contradiction between man and land in my country and the increasingly severe situation of cultivated land protection,it is imminent to carry out high-standard basic farmland research.Taking Feidong County as an example of a "high-standard basic farmland construction demonstration county",on the basis of collecting and analyzing meteorological,hydrology,geomorphology,hydrogeology,agriculture and farmland water conservancy construction and other data in the study area,based on 368 points in the study area Sub-water level burial depth data,37 sets of water quality data,1?50,000 remote sensing data such as land use,water system,landform contour,and 3 870 soil sample data,focusing on hydrogeological conditions,combined with soil physical and chemical properties and soil nutrient status,using AHP Analytic hierarchy process and comprehensive index method are used to evaluate the suitability of high-standard basic farmland construction in Feidong County.The results show that the comprehensive index of agricultural suitability can be divided into four levels:highly suitable area,suitable area,basic suitable area and unsuitable area.Judging from the classification and results of the comprehensive index of suitability evaluation,the proportion of suitable areas in Feidong County′s agricultural suitability zone is the highest,with an area of 721.50 km^(2),accounting for about 40.59% of the county’s land area;the other three grades are more evenly distributed.Among them,the highly suitable area is 330.73 km^(2),accounting for about 18.61% of the county′s land area,the basic suitable area is 350.42 km^(2),accounting for 19.71% of the county′s land area,and the unsuitable agricultural planting area is 374.95 km^(2),accounting for about 374.95 km^(2) of the whole county.County land area 21.09%.The research results can provide impro
作者 胡波 焦团理 HU Bo;JIAO Tuan-li(Anhui Institute of Geological Survey,Hefei 230001,Anhui,China)
出处 《地下水》 2022年第2期229-233,共5页 Ground water
基金 安徽省公益性地质调查:“皖江示范区高标准基本农田示范县农业水文地质调查”(2015-g-19) 安徽省重点研究与开发计划:“店埠河小流域地表水氮磷来源解析及水质优化技术研究”(202104i07020005)。
关键词 高标准农田 水文地质条件 适宜性分区 指标体系 肥东县 High-standard farmland hydrogeological conditions suitability zoning index system Feidong County
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