

A Study of the Only Existing Copy of The Sutra of Pure Land Ullambana(P.2185)
摘要 法藏P.2185号敦煌写卷是《净土盂兰盆经》的唯一抄本,也是该经存世的唯一孤本。该经旨在奉劝民众造盂兰盆并于七月十五日供奉佛僧,为现在、七世父母追福。这部中土僧人撰述的佛典是佛教孝道观中国化、世俗化的典范,其取材甚广,除借鉴《盂兰盆经》外,还征引了一些当时流行的佛经及佛经注疏。本经的编纂既为唐五代官方、寺院与民间耗费巨资造盂兰盆及供奉物品提供了佛典支持,也为盂兰盆斋会范文的制作新增了素材。同时,为盛行于晚唐五代的目连变文中目连母堕饿鬼地狱故事的书写添加了母题。唐玄宗开元十九年(731)八月以前,这部佛典远播日本,与《盂兰盆经》《报恩奉盆经》等,同是日本各大寺院举办盂兰盆斋会时的常讲经目。 The Volume P.2185 collected in the French National Library is the only existing copy of The Sutra of Pure Land Ullambana in the world,which was compiled by ancient anonymous Chinese monks probably over the first half of the 7th Century.This paper,through researching on the origin of the stories in the sutra,aims at figuring out how this sutra was compiled.It turns out that from the Qi and Liang to the early Tang Dynasties,the excessive expenditure on the Ullambana Puja was far beyond the provisions stated in the lost translated version of The Ullambana Sutra in the Western Jin Dynasty(265-316),which led to some criticism from the public.However,the compilation of The Sutra of Pure Land Ullambana provided new direct support for that.In order to highlight its difference from The Ullambana Sutra,the author of this sutra titled The Ullambana Sutra with “Pure Land”,and quoted the Kumarajiva’s(in the Later Qin Dynasty) translation of The Vimalakīrti Sutra,the chapter of “Buddhist Products” and Ji Zang’s(in the Sui Dynasty) The Interpretation of the Infinite Life Sutra to further explain it.The purpose of compiling this Buddhist scripture was to better promote the development of the Ullambana Puja in ancient China.Therefore,its basis is still The Ullambana Sutra,and the story of Maudgalyayana making a Ullambana pot to save his mother in the sutra also refers to it.The author of this sutra added a plot that the King of the 16 Mahajanapadas in India ordered the courtiers to make the Ullambana offerings and have it sent to the temple.This practice then provided a paradigm for the activities that the Emperors of the Tang Dynasty gave order to make offerings to the temples in Chang’an and hold ceremonies of offering Ullambana outside the city gate.The Ullambana Sutra did not explain the reason why Maudgalyayana’s mother fell into the lower realms of the hungry ghost,while the author of this sutra adapted this story based on the first,second,fourth and sixth stories from Volume 5,the chapter of “Hungry Ghos
作者 计晓云 Ji Xiaoyun(Research Institute for Ancient Books,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期22-33,共12页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 中国博士后科学基金第68批面上资助项目(2020M681813) 中国博士后科学基金第14批特别资助(站中)项目(2021T140609) 国家社科基金冷门绝学项目“敦煌残卷缀合总集”(20VJXT012)。
关键词 《净土盂兰盆经》 敦煌写卷 目连母堕饿鬼地狱的故事 The Sutra of Pure Land Ullambana Dunhuang manuscripts karma story of Maudgalyayana’s mother falling into the lower realms of the hungry ghosts
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