锦联电厂4台660 MW直接空冷汽轮发电机组辅机循环冷却水设计为开式循环系统,冷却塔形式为湿式冷却塔。冷却塔的蒸发损失是空冷机组的主要水源损失,不但增加了机组度电成本,而且冬季产生的雾气对周围建筑、道路均产生一定影响。尤其锦联电厂冷却塔与机组相邻且位于机组西侧偏北位置,冬季受西风影响,冷却塔的雾气对机组主变等电气设备产生严重影响,随时有可能出现接地、短路、雾闪等影响设备、人身安全的事故发生。如何减少雾气已成为锦联电厂的一件主要任务。
The auxiliary circulating cooling water of four 660 MW direct air-cooled steam turbine generator units in Jinlian power plant is designed as an open circulating system,and the cooling tower is in the form of wet cooling tower.The evaporation loss of the cooling tower is the main water source loss of the air cooling unit,which not only increases the unit kwh cost,but also the fog generated in winter has a certain impact on the surrounding buildings and roads.In particular,the cooling tower of Jinlian power plant is adjacent to the unit and located in the north of the west side of the unit.Affected by the west wind in winter,the fog of the cooling tower has a serious impact on the main transformer and other electrical equipment of the unit,and accidents affecting equipment and personnel such as grounding,short circuit and fog flash injury may occur at any time.How to reduce fog has become a major task of Jinlian power plant.
Electric Power System Equipment
cooling tower
wire mesh foam breaker
water collector