
“物化”批判的理论越界——以卢卡奇和法兰克福学派为线索 被引量:1

A Transgressing Theory of Critique on Reification:From Lukács to Frankfurt School
摘要 物化批判是卢卡奇针对成熟资本主义社会特定生产方式提出的批判构想。从客体层面来看,资本主义商品经济将异质性的事物悉数整合为同质性的商品形式;就主体层面而言,人与人之间的关系完全为机械生产过程的技术规律所掩盖。后继的法兰克福学派思想家把物化批判扩张性地应用于人类一般物质文明发展批判。霍克海默和阿多诺认为,物化的历史内嵌于人类文明发展史之中。无论是现代的科学理性还是古代的巫术技艺,都遵循着“以此代彼”的“再现”原则,都使得多样的事物从属于抽象的同一。为了消除人类文明发展历程中物化的“实然”,马尔库塞试图建构人与自然、社会、自身相统一的“应然”。哈贝马斯的观点相对缓和。他主张建立普遍的交往伦理,以弥补物化的世界对人的主体性的抹杀。从卢卡奇到法兰克福学派的理论越界,是20世纪发达资本主义社会分工日益细化、生产高度集中、国际矛盾冲突更加剧烈、人们日益向往新型文明等诸多新变化的理论投射。然而,该理论越界本质上是唯心史观的表现。一方面,他们预设了抽象的人性规定,未能看到人类本质的生成是一个历史的过程;另一方面,物化被它贬抑为与人性规定不符的消极事物,进而导致物质生产与文明进步被当成了人类自由而全面发展的阻碍。 Lukács proposes“reification”as a critical conception for the specific mode of production in mature capitalist society.The capitalist commodity economy integrates all heterogeneous things into a homogeneous form,and the relations among men are completely concealed by the mechanical production process.Subsequent thinkers from the Frankfurt School extends the critique on reification to the critique on human civilization in general.Horkheimer and Adorno believe that the history of reification is embedded in the history of human development.Whether it is from modern scientific rationality or ancient witchcraft techniques,they all follow the principle of"representation",making various things subordinate to the abstract identity.In order to eliminate the reified reality,Marcuse tries to construct the ethical scale on which man is identified with nature,society and himself.Habermas advocates the establishment of the universal communicative rationality to make up for the obliteration of human subjectivity by the reified world.The transgressing theory from the Lukács to the Frankfurt School is the theoretical projection of new changes presented by capitalist society in the 20th century,such as the increasingly refined division of labor,the high concentration of production,the more intense international conflicts and the growing yearning for a new civilization.However,the transgression is essentially a manifestation of the historical idealism.On the one hand,they presuppose abstract human nature,failing to see that the development of human essence is a historical process.On the other hand,they relegate reification to a negative thing that is inconsistent with human nature,and then regard material production as obstacles to the development of human beings.
作者 苏振源 SU Zhenyuan
机构地区 南京大学哲学系
出处 《深圳社会科学》 2022年第3期128-135,159,共9页 Social Sciences in Shenzhen
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“美好生活视域下合理消费方式建构研究”(20CKS022)。
关键词 物化 历史唯物主义 卢卡奇 法兰克福学派 工具理性 交往理性 技术 Reification historical materialism Lukács Frankfurt School instrumental rationality communicative rationality technology
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