

The Wisdom in Selection of Ecological Livable Space in Tibet
摘要 早在上万年前藏族先民就不畏艰难险阻,在雪域高原进行各种活动,并寻觅适合人居的生态空间,建立了早期的聚落。生态居住环境的营造是藏民族人居智慧的重要体现,藏民族面对的第一个难题是生态宜居空间的选择。藏民族生态宜居空间的选择宗旨是以人为本,尊重自然,与自然协调和谐相处。西藏早期先民对生态宜居空间的选择表现在以下两个方面:一是临水而居与生态宜居空间的选择,西藏一江两河(雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河、年楚河)是西藏城市文明的发祥地,最早的部落和氏族所建立的小邦及早期城市就主要集中分布在该流域;二是依山而建与生态宜居空间的营建,藏族先民在城市聚落选址方面不仅重视宏观区位的选择,同时也高度重视微观地理空间的选择,充分考虑其自然地理环境因素,特别对气温、降水、季风等高原气候特点的考虑。因此可以说,顺应自然、因地制宜,是西藏人民在长期的实践经验中总结出来的建筑理念和选址经验。 The Tibetan Plateau covers a vast area,of which the average altitude is too high and its ecological environment is fragile,making most areas unsuitable for human survival and development.However,as early as tens of thousands of years ago,the ancestors of the Tibetan people seemed unafraid of all dangers and difficulties and organized various activities on the snowy plateau.Also at that location,they appeared to search for ecological space suitable for human habitation,thus establishing early settlements there.The construction of an ecological living environment is an important embodiment of Tibetan wisdom on human settlement,and the first problem they faced was the choice of ecological livable living space.Early residents in Tibet appeared to decide on ecological livable space by considering the following two criteria:one is to live by the water;the other is to live near mountains.The natural geographical environment of the Plateau arguably has a direct and vital impact on the urban architecture of Tibet.Both in terms of artistic style and site selection,it is necessary to give full consideration to its natural landscape environment.Harmony between humans and nature seems to be an essential part of Tibetan traditional architectural culture and has permeated into every link of urban site selection and space construction.The site selection pattern of urban buildings in Tibet appears to conform well to the complex geographical and climatic habitat of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,cleverly looking for advantages while avoiding disadvantages so that the buildings complement the surrounding environment.Generally speaking,the main guiding principle of the Tibetan people in choosing the location of their cities and houses is to adjust to the natural habitat as much as possible,while damaging it as little as possible.This reflects the Tibetan people s reverence and respect for nature and their protection of the environment;it also displays their wisdom in living space choice.The natural environment of the Qinghai-Tibet platea
作者 何一民 廖羽含 He Yimin;Liao Yuhan(Sichuan University,Chengdu,610064,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第12期30-37,127,共9页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目“20世纪中叶以来西藏城市人居环境发展变迁研究”(16DZA135)阶段性成果。
关键词 居住空间选址 生态人居环境 绿色生态空间 人居智慧 residential space selection ecological settlement environment green ecological space human wisdom
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