
中华民族共同体意识建构中新闻媒体角色定位与责任担当 被引量:7

The Role and Responsibility of the News Media in the Construction of a Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation
摘要 铸牢中华民族共同体意识、全面建设社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴与中国梦,新闻媒体在这一伟大历史巨变进程中扮演着“中华民族共同体”的议程设置者、认同沟通者与行动倡导者的重要角色;但面对社会生活多样化、思想文化多元化、信息传播无碍化的媒介生态,我国新闻媒体需要承担的如上角色也无疑遭遇着前所未有的挑战;在事关中华民族共同休戚与福祉问题上,坚持社会主义核心价值观与共产党的领导、弘扬“中华民族一家亲”的共同体精神、提升政治宣传与舆论引导亲和力感染力、恪守“守正出新,行稳致远”的宣传工作原则,是中国特色社会主义新时代新闻媒体加强利益传播、情感传播与文化价值传播以引导对中华民族共同体的全方位认同的责无旁贷的历史担当与光荣使命。 The community of the Chinese nation is an in-depth summary and quite concisely reflects the pattern of ethnic relations in the new era of China.It is the material basis and inevitable requirement for realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.A sense of community for the Chinese nation-as the image and cognition of the community of the Chinese nation-is an ideological well-spring for national unity and cohesion,providing long-standing support and spiritual nourishment for the Chinese national community.The Communist Party of China(CPC)has always attached importance to cultivating and forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.Particularly,since the 18th CPC National Congress,the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as its core has raised the work of forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation to a major strategic level and put forward a series of new concepts,judgments,and expressions about ethnic work and religious policy.In essence,the sense of community for the Chinese nation is a product of ideology and the common psychological recognition of the Chinese people,hence,news media undoubtedly shoulder a primary responsibility and play a vital role in constructing,shaping,and forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.This paper argues that news organizations play 1)a role of opinion leader for the Chinese national community-as they can actively put forward topics and proposals that are consistent with the concept and meaning of the Chinese national community,attract much attention and participation of people,and exert some considerable influence;2)a role of promoter of self-identification with the Chinese national community-as it can strengthen people s identification with“state-politics”and“national-culture”through broadcasting;3)a role of instigator of action supporting the Chinese national community-as it can indirectly affect people s behavior by providing necessary psychological stimuli to act through influencing people s ideology.Undergoin
作者 朱清河 宋佳 Zhu Qinghe;Song Jia(School of Journalism and Communication,Shanghai University,Shanghai,2000444;School of Journalism and Communication,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an,710062,Shaanxi,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第9期35-40,117,共7页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 教育部后期资助项目“延安时期马克思主义新闻观中国化话语体系发展研究”(19JHQ080) 国家社会科学基金项目“延安时期中国共产党新闻传播思想史研究”(12BXW014)阶段性成果。
关键词 中华民族 共同体意识 媒体角色 责任担当 Chinese nation a sense of community the media role responsibility
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