As a concept refined from the social experience of ancient China, rule of rituals means thatpeople generally abide by the ritual institutions based on the spirit of ritual. Following anobverse interpretation approach, this study applies the classic Chinese notion of rule of ritu-als to the European milieu in order to explore how the concert of Europe was originated andmaintained. The conservatism which had been carried out in the European concert has afirm faith in the precious value of tradition, holding that it brings the stability and restraint of family bonds, thereby constituting the sources of thoughts of the rule of ritual in Europe.As the spirit of ritual of the new European order in the post-Napoleon war, the principle oflegitimism played a pivotal role in restraining the potential of excessive expansion. As a re-sult, all European states were anxious for peace and then willingly abide by the principle oflegitimism, thus endorsing endogenous characteristics to the concert of Europe to constrainpower-concentration. In addition, as an institutional framework of preserving the rule of rit-uals among states, the ritual institution which sustains the concert of Europe consists of theleague of major powers and international congresses/conferences. Depending on the ritualinstitutions in light of legitimism, the major powers of Europe have succeeded in realizing asort of concerted and collective self-restraint.
TIAN Ye;FAN Yaotian
Chinese Journal of European Studies