
海洋生态修复:概念、类型与实施路径选择 被引量:7

Marine ecological rehabilitation: concept, type and implementation path selection
摘要 生态修复是我国生态文明建设的重要内容。在对生态修复相关概念梳理的基础上,从公共物品治理视角对海洋生态修复主体、修复标准、修复路径及修复措施保障等关键环节进行论述,研究表明:污染和破坏者作为赔偿型海洋生态修复的主体,可通过自行修复和委托修复等方式,将受损海洋生态修复到破坏前的基线水平;国家作为补偿型海洋生态修复的主体,依据边际成本收益分析法确定最优修复规模,通过政府市场采购和创建市场等经济激励型路径实施生态修复以增加公众福利。未来我国海洋生态修复应重点关注修复的资金保障、监督制度以及生态修复的技术研发和修复完成后的成本收益评估等。 Ecological rehabilitation plays an important role in ecological civilization construction of China. On the basis of related concepts of ecological rehabilitation, the public goods attributes owned by ocean and the externalities in the utilization of marine resources, the paper divides marine ecological rehabilitation into indemnificatory marine ecological rehabilitation and compensatory marine ecological rehabilitation from the perspective of the internalization of the externalities of public goods governance. Then, the study explores four main aspects according to the above classification of marine ecological rehabilitation: the subject of marine ecological rehabilitation, rehabilitation standards, rehabilitation approaches, and rehabilitation measures. According to our analysis, four main findings are listed as follows. In terms of the subject, there is a specific subject with mandatory and clearly defined responsibility in indemnificatory ecological rehabilitation, which makes it easy to trace the responsible subject in case of some issues occurring. By contrast, it is hardly possible to identify the clear responsibility subject for rehabilitation in compensatory ecological rehabilitation. Under this circumstance, the government should undertake the ecological rehabilitation project aiming to compensate for the public interests and increase social welfare. In aspects of rehabilitation standards, as the subject of indemnificatory marine ecological rehabilitation, marine resources users, who pollute and destroy marine environment, should calculate the rehabilitation scale and rehabilitation costs based on the Habit Equivalency Analysis or the Resources Equivalency Analysis. Compared with the above, the government, as the subject of compensation-based marine ecological rehabilitation, could incorporate ecological rehabilitation into the marginal analysis framework of traditional economics and determine the optimal rehabilitation scale in accordance with marginal cost-benefit analysis. As far as rehabilitation app
作者 李京梅 刘娟 LI Jingmei;LIU Juan(School of Economics,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China;Institute of Marine Development,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China)
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期1241-1251,共11页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(16ZDA049)。
关键词 海洋生态修复 赔偿型修复 补偿型修复 修复制度保障 marine ecological rehabilitation indemnificatory rehabilitation compensatory rehabilitation rehabilitation system
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