The accumulation of soil organic matter and nutrients is an important pathway in effectivelyunderstanding the mechanisms of plant settlement and rock weathering, while the characteristics ofsoil organic carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) under different vegetation remain unclear.In this study, the stocks and stoichiometry of soil organic C, N and P were determined in differentpositions and types of vegetation on the surface of the Leshan Giant Buddha. We found that the totalstocks of soil organic C, N and P were 1689.77, 134.6 and 29.48 kg, respectively, for the Buddha.The stocks of soil organic C, N and P under vascular plants were higher than those under othervegetation, with highest values observed under herb. Higher stocks per unit area (m2) of soil organicC, N and P were found on the left and right arms, shoulders, and two platforms. These results providea full primary picture in understanding soil organic C, N and P accumulation and distribution on thesurface of the Buddha, which could supply the fundamental data on weathering management of theBuddha and other similar open-air stone carvings.
This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31470636).